Clear signs of US trying to topple Sheikh Hasina govt: Regime change operation underway in Bangladesh and why India should be alert

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Regime change operation underway in Bangladesh and why India should be alert (archived)


Bangladesh: The government must stop killing protestors and silencing dissent (OMCT*)

*OMCT Donors and Finances

National Endowment for Democracy, Oak Foundation, Open Society Foundations (George Soros), Open Society Justice Initiative, European Commission, United States of America,

Michael Kugelman (Wilson Center**): The U.S. Ups the Ante in Bangladesh

**Wilson Center Sponsors

BAE Systems, Coca-Cola, BlackRock, Carnegie Corporation, Hewlett Foundation, ClimateWorks (Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg) Morgan Stanley, Northrop Grumman,

Front organizations

Western Backed “Pro-Democracy” Terrorists Wage War In Myanmar

04-12-2023: If the West’s corporate media is anything to go by, popular pro-democracy groups in Myanmar have linked with ethnically based armed organisations in an attempt to restore civilian rule in the South-East Asian nation, which is bordered by Bangladesh and India to the west, Laos and Thailand to the east, and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to the north. Supposedly, the Tatmadaw (the military of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar) cancelled elections in February 2021, brought the military to political power, and then proceeded to wage war against all those who resisted the takeover. Of course, this narrative, like many spun in the corporate media of the West, is little but an elaborate fabrication. In reality, the ruling classes of the West, principally those of the United States of America (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) are engaged in yet another proxy war of regime change in Myanmar,[1] which is squarely aimed not only at Naypyidaw, but also against its giant northern neighbour and economic and political partner, the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Western Backed “Pro-Democracy” Terrorists Wage War In Myanmar

Was Tulsi Gabbard Ever Anti-War?! [no]

Knew the majority, of this, but hadn’t put it all together in one place. New, to me, was her support of the Kurdish militias. I’ll probably duplicate this, onto its own page, where I can add more to it at a later date!

Tulsi Gabbard, with Shmuley Boteach and Miriam Adelson.*

Tulsi Gabbard says Hamas attack is a ‘wake-up call’ for global leaders as she shows support for Israel

‘That’s why I left Democratic party’: Tulsi Gabbard slams Dem elites for ‘hating’ America and ‘sympathizing’ with Hamas

H/T: Revolutionary Blackout

Ex-Dem Tulsi Gabbard Responds When Asked About Possibly Being Trump’s VP

The 42-year-old made an appearance on Fox News’ “Hannity” and admitted her secret ambition to be Trump’s running mate in the 2024 presidential election.

Research Notes:

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Stepping up US war preparations against China, Victoria Nuland visits South Asia

US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland visited Nepal, India and Sri Lanka between January 28 and February 1, before travelling to Qatar. Her trip coincided with US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin’s recent trip to South Korea for high-level meetings with President Yoon Suk-yeol and Defense Minister Lee Jong-seop.

Stepping up US war preparations against China, Victoria Nuland visits South Asia

Why Is Victoria Nuland Coming to Sri Lanka, Second Time in a Year?

She maybe the highest ranking American official but most Americans do not even know her name. However, she is visiting Sri Lanka twice in one year & that should mean something. Why is she visiting Sri Lanka is however more important. She first visited Sri Lanka days before riots started resulted in the resignation of the former President. Naturally, all eyes are fixed on what is likely to emerge after her forthcoming visit. Over the years, there is no doubt the US has created local “agents” covering all spectrums of society.

Why Is Victoria Nuland Coming to Sri Lanka, Second Time in a Year?



Sri Lanka: US Backed Colour Revolution in Colombo

Debt Traps & Terrorism: The Roots of Sri Lanka’s Crisis