CIA Front, East-West Center honors PH STAR editor-in-chief

East-West Center honors STAR editor-in-chief

MANILA, Philippines — The East-West Center in Hawaii has chosen The Philippine Star editor-in-chief Ana Marie Pamintuan as one of this year’s Journalists of Courage and Impact.

In conferring the award, the East-West Center said Pamintuan and the six other honorees from across Asia, the Pacific and the United States “have displayed exceptional commitment to quality reporting and freedom of the press often under harrowing circumstances.”

Also receiving the award on Monday night were Sincha Dimara, news editor, Inside PNG in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea; Tom Grundy, founder and editor-in-chief, the Hong Kong Free Press (Hong Kong); Alan C. Miller, founder of the Washington-based News Literacy Project; Soe Myint, editor-in-chief and managing director of Mizzima (Chiang Mai, Thailand); John Nery, columnist and editorial consultant of Rappler and Kamal Siddiqi, former news director of Aaj News (Karachi, Pakistan).



The East–West Center (EWC), or the Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange Between East and West, is an education and research organization established by the U.S. Congress in 1960, officially to strengthen relations and understanding among the peoples and nations of Asia, the Pacific, and the United States. It is headquartered in Honolulu, Hawaii.
The center had long been affiliated with CIA activities in the Asia-Pacific region. Barack Obama’s mother Ann Dunham worked on behalf of a number of CIA front operations, including the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii.

Front Organizations

The man who was Mao’s hero

The Bruce Lee legend never fades but it might surprise some to learn that among his legion of fans was Chairman Mao, who called him a hero.

Chairman Mao Zedong (1893-1976) and Bruce Lee the martial arts legend (1940-1973) both declared – in their unique ways – that the Chinese people had “stood up”.

The man who was Mao’s hero

I grew up watching dubbed martial arts movies, as my dad was a fan of Bruce Lee.

FYI, I don’t know why this was unpublished. I didn’t do it.

Netizens hail closure of Radio Free Asia in Hong Kong, as end of ‘fake news creator’ rumor-mongering era beneficial to the city

Netizens in Hong Kong hailed the decision of US-funded Radio Free Asia (RFA) to shut down its Hong Kong office, calling it “another example of the color revolution failing in Hong Kong,” which also shows that this anti-China agency has a guilty conscience and has fled in panic. 

Netizens hail closure of Radio Free Asia in Hong Kong, as end of ‘fake news creator’ rumor-mongering era beneficial to the city


Hong Kong ‘Protests

Color Revolution – Regime Change Keywords

PH: Compared To China, US Trade, Investment Offers Laughable + More

Compared To China, US Trade, Investment Offers Laughable

On the other hand, the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) donations of China alone that are reality– Chico River Irrigation Pump, Davao Bucana Bridge, Estrella-Pantaleon and Binondo-Intramuros Bridge, the ongoing Kaliwa Dam Project that would provide 600/mld (million liters per day) to drying Metro-Manila and hundreds other projects– already count billions of dollars, not to mention private investments like DITO Telecoms’ $ 3.9 billion investment in our telecom sector.


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China dealing with terrorism in line with law + More

URUMQI (China): China has been dealing with the issue of terrorism in the autonomous region of Xinjiang in accordance with law and the untoward incidents here have witnessed a decline since 2016.

China dealing with terrorism in line with law


[01-24] World community urged to take ‘decisive’ action to stop Chinese genocide against Uyghurs

Washington: As China’s human rights record came up for Universal Period Review (UPR) at the UN, the Government-in-Exile of East Turkistan, also known as Xinjiang Province in China, has said the international community must move beyond the diplomatic means and urgently take “decisive” and “tangible” actions to stop genocide against Uyghur Muslims.

[01-24] The Islamic State’s South Asian Branches are Spearheading an Anti-China Campaign

[11-23] “All Static and Noise” anti-China propaganda film about Uyghurs
