US military airlifts embassy personnel from Haiti, bolsters security

The US military said on Sunday (Mar 10) it has carried out an operation in Haiti to airlift non-essential embassy personnel from the country and added US forces bolster embassy security, as the Caribbean nation reels under a state of emergency.

US military airlifts embassy personnel from Haiti, bolsters security


White House Calls on Haitian Leader to Resign, Considers Sending Elite Soldiers to Embassy

Ansar Allah didn’t target undersea cables

Full video.

At least one subsea fiber cable damaged in the Red Sea, some reports blame Houthi rebels

Last year Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) – a think tank founded by a former Israeli Intelligence officer and a political scientist described as a neoconservative and revisionist Zionist on Wikipedia – said Telegram channels reportedly affiliated with the Houthis had made implied threats against subseas cables in the Red Sea.

New reports suggest a ship attacked by Houthi rebels may have inadvertently cut cables. Some industry observers are suggesting the Rubymar, a cargo ship heavily damaged by a recent Houthi attack, is drifting and its dragging anchor could have caused damage to the cables.

Ansar Allah’s response

Israeli media claims that Ansar Allah targeted undersea cables

Propaganda: Houthis could cut undersea global internet cables, minister warns

Tens of Thousands Forced to Flee Democratic Republic of Congo as US/Rwanda-Supported M23 Attacks Intensify (+Coltan)

Source (2nacheki)

Attacks by the Rwanda-backed M23 have led to another wave of mass displacement in the province of North Kivu. The rebel group has tried to make advances towards the provincial capital of Goma, attacking the town of Sake which lies just 25 kilometers away.

Tens of Thousands Forced to Flee Democratic Republic of Congo as US/Rwanda-Supported M23 Attacks Intensify (+Coltan)


CONGRESS: Do Not Allow Our Tax Dollars To Fund Conflict In The Congo!

Was Tulsi Gabbard Ever Anti-War?! [no]

Knew the majority, of this, but hadn’t put it all together in one place. New, to me, was her support of the Kurdish militias. I’ll probably duplicate this, onto its own page, where I can add more to it at a later date!

Tulsi Gabbard, with Shmuley Boteach and Miriam Adelson.*

Tulsi Gabbard says Hamas attack is a ‘wake-up call’ for global leaders as she shows support for Israel

‘That’s why I left Democratic party’: Tulsi Gabbard slams Dem elites for ‘hating’ America and ‘sympathizing’ with Hamas

H/T: Revolutionary Blackout

Ex-Dem Tulsi Gabbard Responds When Asked About Possibly Being Trump’s VP

The 42-year-old made an appearance on Fox News’ “Hannity” and admitted her secret ambition to be Trump’s running mate in the 2024 presidential election.

Research Notes:

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Despite Peace Breaking Out in Haiti, Biden Still Calls for “UN-Backed” Invasion

Former foes, neighborhood leaders Jimmy Cherizier and Marc-André Alexandre led a united march against Ariel Henry and in support of the farmers of Ouanaminthe through Port-au-Prince on Sep. 18, 2023.

Over 1,000 people surged through the streets of Haiti’s capital Port-au-Prince on Sep. 18, calling for de facto Prime Minister Dr. Ariel Henry to step down and shouting their full support of Haitian farmers in the Northeast Department, who are finishing construction of an irrigation canal despite strong objection, threats, and border closure by Dominican President Luis Abinader.

Despite Peace Breaking Out in Haiti, Biden Still Calls for “UN-Backed” Invasion


Biden Demands UNSC Approve Invasion of Haiti