Satellites discovered two “dark ships” near Nord Stream before the explosions

Just a day before the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines two unidentified ships were spotted in the area. The private satellite data monitoring firm SpaceKnow discovered two vessels with their transponders turned off in the area of the explosions. The vessels’ automatic identification systems were not working at the time they were passing the pipelines.

Satellites discovered two “dark ships” near Nord Stream before the explosions


The Truth About Unidentified Ships Seen Near Nord Stream Pipelines Before Blasts

‘Dark Ships’ Emerge From the Shadows of the Nord Stream Mystery

Russian forces are retreating to the left bank of Dnieper river, are leaving Kherson


On November 9, 2022, Sergey Surovikin, the military commander of the special military operation for liberation of Donbass, demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, reports publicly to Sergey Shoigu, Russian defense minister

[…] Kherson cannot be fully supplied and function. Russia did everything possible to ensure the evacuation of the inhabitants. Kiev strikes at the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station and creates a threat of flooding of vast territories. The most expedient option is to organize defense along the barrier line of the Dnieper River. It is proposed to take up defense along the left bank. Keeping a grouping of troops on the right bank is futile […]

Shoigu orders the withdrawal

Russian forces are retreating to the left bank of Dnieper river, are leaving Kherson

Video via: Russian News

How to End the War in Ukraine: Matt Duss and Ray McGovern Debate U.S. Policy on Russia, NATO & More

AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!,, the War and Peace Report. When we come back, as the Biden administration vows more military aid for Ukraine we host a debate on the U.S. response to the war and U.S. policy toward Russia. We will speak with Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst who specialized in the Soviet Union, as well as former Bernie Sanders advisor Matt Duss, a Ukrainian-American who is now a Fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International peace. Stay with us.

How to End the War in Ukraine: Matt Duss and Ray McGovern Debate U.S. Policy on Russia, NATO & More


Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s Sponsors

Daily pictures : Bucha narrative is still the backbone of the Western catechism about Ukraine

Twitter, still censoring. Source.

On October 28, 2022, new boss Elon Musk has sacked Vijaya Gadde, the sergeant major of censorship on Twitter. That is why Scott Ritter has tested for us the reliability of the US social network. The result is negative. Bucha narrative remains the backbone of the Western catechism about Ukraine

Daily pictures : Bucha narrative is still the backbone of the Western catechism about Ukraine

Ukraine Peace Talks: Pathetic U-Turn by 30 Dems & Curious Case of Jeffrey Sachs

Ukraine Peace Talks: Pathetic U-Turn by 30 Dems & Curious Case of Jeffrey Sachs


Full Video: The Pathway to a Negotiated Peace in the Ukraine with Jeffrey Sachs via Brooklyn For Peace