White House Says Georgia’s ‘Foreign Agents’ Bill Threatens Relations

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White House Says Georgia’s ‘Foreign Agents’ Bill Threatens Relations

The US and other Western nations have compared the bill to a similar law enacted by Russia in 2012. The Russian law was part of Moscow’s response to the US government funding NGOs and opposition parties.


Georgia’s Parliament Presses Forward With ‘Foreign Agent’ Bill + 2023-2024 Timeline of Foreign Interference

Georgia’s Parliament Presses Forward With ‘Foreign Agent’ Bill + 2023-2024 Timeline of Foreign Interference


Georgia’s Parliament Presses Forward With ‘Foreign Agent’ Bill Despite Protests

Outside parliament on Monday, protesters chanted slogans against what they called “the Russian law”, and shouted “Russians! Russians!” at police and ruling party MPs.

Inside the chamber, opposition MP Aleko Elisashvili was shown on television punching Mamuka Mdinaradze, faction leader of Georgian Dream, as he spoke from the despatch box.

Protesters against the bill told Reuters that they saw Georgia’s future membership of the EU, which is overwhelmingly popular in the country of 3.7 million, as being on the line.

“I don’t like that the government is trying to suppress NGOs and put some labels on them as if they are foreign agents,” said Luka Tsulaia, a 32-year-old computer programmer.

“It’s about maintaining independence and also maintaining the laws so that we can integrate with the European Union better.”

Aleko Elisashvili and NED:

Democracy Needs Democrats: Strengthening Political Parties and Movements (archived)

The Eastern European Centre for Multiparty Democracy (EECMD), with the financial support of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), carries out a new project, “Democracy Needs Democrats: Strengthening Political Parties and Movements”. 

The EECMD will work with four political parties/movements – “Aleko Elisashvili – Citizens,” “For Justice,” “Lelo for Georgia,” and “Shame Movement” – to advance the results of the previous project and implement the sections of the action plans developed through the strategic planning process.

Interview with Levan Ioseliani (archived)

Levan Ioseliani represents the Civil Movement, an NGO established by himself and Alexander (Aleko) Elisashvili.

After Aleko’s results, we held meetings in Brussels, where EED [European Endowment For Democracy] took an interest in financing a movement that would advocate civil ideas and would help new people get involved in the politics. Our second donor is NED [National Endowment for Democracy]. We established the Civil Movement with Alexander Elisashvili.

This won’t be the end of it. Elections are coming up in October.

2023 Timeline:

[12-01-2023] NED: Georgia, still in their crosshairs

[10-07-2023] A Maidan 2.0 Color Revolution Looms in Georgia

[04-10-2023] Regime Change Continues: Thousands Rally in Georgia’s Tbilisi Against Government

[03-12-2023] The Color of Foreign Influence

[03-09-2023] Georgia Protests: US Seeks to Open 2nd Front Against Russia

[03-08-2023] Daily pictures: Maidan 2.0 in Georgia?

[01-27-2023] “Orange” president says Georgia owes Ukraine one war for another. Calls for new “Rose” coup.

U.S. Wars and Hostile Actions (WW2 – 2014)

Regime Change Continues: Thousands Rally in Georgia’s Tbilisi Against Government

Thousands of opposition supporters rallied Sunday in the Georgian capital Tbilisi as the Black Sea nation’s government faces mounting accusations of backsliding on democracy.

Demonstrators gathered outside the Georgian parliament for a rally organized by the country’s main opposition force, the United National Movement (UNM), founded by jailed ex-President Mikheil Saakashvili.

Protesters waved Georgian, Ukrainian and European Union flags and held a huge banner that read “For European future.”

Thousands Rally in Georgia’s Tbilisi Against Government


Regime change proceeds: State Departments sanctions Georgian judges, assassinations feared next

Georgia Protests: US Seeks to Open 2nd Front Against Russia

– Protests in Georgia consist of US-backed opposition groups (literally waving US and EU flags) attempting to block a bill to increase transparency behind political groups to reduce foreign interference;

– The US has already once overthrown Georgia’s government in 2003, according to the London Guardian;

– By 2008 after flooding Georgia with weapons and training its military, Georgia attacked Russia, according to a EU investigation;

– The US seeks to stir up trouble in Georgia again to “extend” Russia as explained in detail by the RAND Corporation’s 2019 paper, “Extending Russia;”

– The US has pressured other nations attempting to pass bills to protect against foreign interference including recently Thailand


Georgia Protests: US Seeks to Open 2nd Front Against Russia (Odysee) via The New Atlas


Daily pictures: Maidan 2.0 in Georgia?

Daily pictures: Maidan 2.0 in Georgia?

Since March 7, 2023, a few thousands protestors are confronting the police in front of the parliament in Tbilisi, capital of Georgia. They are demanding the removal from the parliament of a new draft law and against Russia, the Euro-Atlantic integration of the country. The law would require all organizations that receive more than 20% of their funds from abroad to register as foreign agents. The targets are indeed the groups that the US and the European Union are sponsoring, in order to demand the Euro-Atlantic integration. The scenography of the demonstration reminds the previous West-inspired color revolutions in Eurasia since 2003. Because as usual, the movement is not democratic, possibly revolutionary or neither, would not emancipate the people nor maintain independence of the country.

Daily pictures : Maidan 2.0 in Georgia ?

Audio via Don DeBar


Georgian Government Warns of Imminent Color Revolution to Pull Country into Ukraine War

Ultimatum: Western operatives give Georgian parliament one hour to withdraw bill