Netanyahu States the Obvious- No Palestinian State- No 2 State Solution


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has informed the United States that he opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state as part of any postwar scenario, underscoring the deep divisions between the close allies three months into Israel’s assault on Gaza that aims to eliminate the territory’s Hamas rulers

Netanyahu States the Obvious- No Palestinian State- No 2 State Solution


Benjamin Netanyahu Just Said “From the River to the Sea”

U.S. Deployed Air Targeting Team to Israel, Document Suggests

TARGETING INTELLIGENCE — THE information used to conduct airstrikes and fire long-range artillery weapons — has played a central role in Israel’s siege of Gaza. A document obtained through the Freedom of Information Act suggests that the U.S. Air Force sent officers specializing in this exact form of intelligence to Israel in late November.

U.S. Deployed Air Targeting Team to Israel, Document Suggests (archived)

If true, this is disturbing! The Hague Invasion Act doesn’t cover the ICJ, from what I can tell. /s

Pentagon’s Operation Prosperity Guardian “Falls Apart” As Spain, Italy, France Reject Request

Australia is the latest country to reject a request from the United States to send warships to the Red Sea under the command of the Pentagon’s Operation Prosperity Guardian to protect commercial vessels along the critical maritime trade route from Iran-backed Houthi.

Pentagon’s Operation Prosperity Guardian “Falls Apart” As Spain, Italy, France Reject Request

H/T: Unorthodox Truth


If US can clear way for ‘cease-fire in Gaza’, Red Sea problem would be solved

If US can clear way for humanitarian aid to Gaza, ‘joint patrol would not be necessary’

If US can clear way for ‘cease-fire in Gaza’, Red Sea problem would be solved


The cost of US fighting Houthis in the Red Sea just went up