Biden Says Assad Must Go

While on the campaign trail, President Joe Biden spoke with some “Syrian American activists” who favor increased sanctions on the country as well as regime change in Damascus, during a private fundraiser in Maryland last month. According to neoconservative columnist Josh Rogin – one of Bill Kristol’s protégés – Biden told these regime change advocates that, among other things, Assad must go. Rogin says these activists “took advantage of their audience with Biden… to implore him to do more to oppose” Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Biden Says Assad Must Go


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Erdogan hands cash to children at polling station

STORY: The incumbent head of state handed out bank notes worth 200 liras (approx 10 US dollars) each, and shook hands with supporters who were lined up outside the door.

The move has become something of a tradition for Erdogan, who usually will also hand out toys to children in addition to money on special occasions, including the Muslim holidays of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.

Erdogan hands cash to supporters at polling station

They’re basically accusing Erdoğan of vote buying. If you watch, closely, he’s handing out cash to children and their mothers. He’s done so in the past.


Erdoğan hands out money to children in quake-hit Adıyaman