Report: Cluster bomb deaths in Ukraine pass Syria casualties

For the first time in a decade, Ukraine has surpassed Syria as the country with the highest number of casualties from cluster bombs. That’s according to a report from the Cluster Munition Coalition weapons watchdog. Nathan Southern from the University of St. Andrews has more on this report.

Report: Cluster bomb deaths in Ukraine pass Syria casualties


Ukraine surpasses Syria for highest casualties from cluster munitions

Cluster munitions killed at least 37 Yemenis in August: Watchdog

Timeline: Use of controversial cluster bombs in past conflicts

Al Jazeera falsely claims that Russia used cluster munitions in Crimea! Nowhere, in the linked report, does HRW mention Crimea!

5/11/23 Joziah Thayer on AQAP’s Standing in Yemen

Joziah Thayer joins to show to discuss some of the work he’s done digging into the many factions and groups within Yemen and the foreign powers working to pull their strings. Scott and Thayer drill in on Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, and explore how the group’s standing in Yemen has changed and how the country is likely to evolve going forward.

Discussed on the show:

The CIA, AQAP, and the Never-Ending Excuse to Bomb Yemen

How the IMF & World Bank Destroyed Yemen

5/11/23 Joziah Thayer on AQAP’s Standing in Yemen

American-Saudi Agreement on Two-State Solution in Yemen, Dispute over Fate of Islah

American-Saudi Agreement on Two-State Solution in Yemen, Dispute over Fate of Islah


Want peace in Yemen? First, restore the balance of power.

7/1/22 Shireen Al-Adeimi: The Ceasefire in Yemen is Not Enough

7/1/22 Shireen Al-Adeimi: The Ceasefire in Yemen is Not Enough

Scott is joined by Shireen Al-Adeimi to discuss the war in Yemen. They talk about the War Powers Resolution in Congress and the Ramadan ceasefire, which is holding for now. Al-Adeimi points out that the Saudis dropping their support for former President Hadi was not actually a step towards peace. Instead, they turned to a “council” made up of rival warlords who appear destined to use violence in their disputes rather than diplomacy. But, she points out, the Saudis cannot exert any real control over Yemen without full military support from the United States. That defines a clear path for bringing this bloody period of foreign intervention in Yemen to an end.

Discussed on the show:

Truce or Not, Congress Must Urgently Bring About a Real End to the War on Yemen


Use this script if you are not sure what to say

Nothing Delivered: Trump’s ‘Antiwar’ Deception

Nothing Delivered: Trump’s ‘Antiwar’ Deception

With Trump, the people thought they voted for something different, but what they received was more of the same. Like Obama and Bush II, Trump was lying to his base, despicably pretending to be opposed to unnecessary wars in faraway lands. Trump made snide comments about the military industrial complex, etc. while looting the American people to pay for it all. He carried on with his “antiwar” façade while bombing to smithereens the same far flung countries that Bush and Obama nearly destroyed. At the same time, he was starving some of the poorest people in the world, from Venezuela to North Korea, with “maximum pressure” sanctions. He prioritized satiating the Israel first crowd first, and set the stage for brinksmanship with Beijing, as well as Moscow, while ensuring ever higher military budgets.