The Russian Art of War: How the West Led Ukraine to Defeat

We are very happy to bring you this excerpt from Colonel Jacques Baud’s latest book, The Russian Art of War: How the West Led Ukraine to Defeat (L’art de la guerre russe: Comment l’occident conduire l’ukraine a la echec). This is a detailed study of the two-year old conflict in which the West has brutally used the Ukrainians to pursue an old pipedream: the conquest of Russia.

The Russian Art of War: How the West Led Ukraine to Defeat

Chas Freeman: The Many Lessons of the Ukraine War

I want to speak to you tonight about Ukraine – what has happened to it and why, how it is likely to emerge from the ordeal to which great power rivalry has subjected it; and what we can learn from this. I do so with some trepidation and a warning to this audience. My talk, like the conflict in Ukraine, is a long and complicated one. It contradicts propaganda that has been very convincing. My talk will offend anyone committed to the official narrative. The way the American media have dealt with the Ukraine war brings to mind a comment by Mark Twain: “The researches of many commentators have already thrown much darkness on this subject, and it is probable that, if they continue, we shall soon know nothing at all about it.”

Chas Freeman: The Many Lessons of the Ukraine War

The Man Who Profited from Ukraine’s Pain


Serhiy Pashinsky, a controversial figure with ties to the 2014 Euromaidan Protests, has seen his company, Ukrainian Armoured Technology, experience a massive increase in arms sales profits, driven by European aid and war contracts. Accusations link him to violence during the protests, but these remain uninvestigated due to fears of reprisals. Western powers have largely avoided addressing the allegations to maintain Ukraine’s image and not validate Russian narratives. Pashinsky’s case highlights the complex relationships between Ukrainian oligarchs, the West, and the ongoing conflict. Watch the video to know more.

The Man Who Profited from Ukraine’s Pain


The Man Who Triggered Ukraine’s Downfall is Now 12,500% Richer

Zelensky Called Him a Criminal. Now Ukraine Calls Him for Guns and Ammo.

All aboard the gravy train: an independent audit of US funding for Ukraine

In the absence of official scrutiny of Washington’s spending spree on Ukraine, The Grayzone conducted an independent audit of US funding for the country. We discovered a series of wasteful, highly unusual expenditures the Biden administration has yet to explain.

All aboard the gravy train: an independent audit of US funding for Ukraine

Video via Jason Hunt (Threats to international peace and security – Security Council, 9364th meeting)

U.S. Admits Defeat In War On Russia And China

Confronted with the realities of life the Biden administration has in the last days acknowledged defeat in two on its most egregious and delusional foreign policy games.

U.S. Admits Defeat In War On Russia And China

Video via Reports on China.

Unfortunately, I don’t foresee see a change in the ‘status quo’ of the Biden admin’s stance towards China.


President Xi Jinping Meets with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken

Qin Gang Holds Talks with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken

Wang Yi Meets with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken

Ukraine’s ‘Press Freedom’ Score Increases Despite Martial Law, Banned Media


France-based press watchdog Reporters Without Borders (Reporters Sans Frontières, or RSF) recently released its scores and rankings for international press freedom. In 2022, RSF gave Ukraine a score of 55.76 out of 100, placing it 106th out of 180 countries surveyed. In the most recent report, issued after over a year of war, Ukraine shot to 79th out of 180, with a new score of 61.19. This despite wartime measures that banned opposition parties, consolidated media under state control, and saw journalists’ speech chilled by unprecedented intimidation.

Ukraine’s ‘Press Freedom’ Score Increases Despite Martial Law, Banned Media


NGOs, “Unions”, & Media Outlets in the Service of Imperialism

Members of Zelensky’s party introduce internet censorship bill

Members of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s Servant of the People party have introduced a bill to criminalize the spread of “false information” on the internet and through social media that violates Ukraine’s “national security.”

Members of Zelensky’s party introduce internet censorship bill


How The FBI Helps Ukrainian Intelligence Hunt ‘Disinformation’ On Social Media