Pro-Ukrainian NAFO troll chief outed as ‘Nazi’

In recent weeks there has been a flurry of articles celebrating Twitter’s mostly anonymous “internet army” called NAFO, or the North Atlantic Fellas Organization. This “social media movement” of dogmatic pro-Ukraine keyboard warriors with customized Shiba Inu avatars is all about ridiculing, gaslighting, and piling on those labeled by the “fellas” as enemy combatants in their information war with Russia, which many have assumed that NAFO is helping Ukraine to win. But it’s increasingly obvious that is not necessarily the case.

Ukes, Kooks & Spooks: #NAFO


Pro-Ukrainian NAFO troll chief outed as ‘Nazi’

Jason Jay Smart also worked with Cambridge Analytica.

Contracted by Cambridge Analytica (a sister company of the SCL Group), to advise on how to most effectively use “big data” analytics and digital outreach on the Presidential campaign of a US Senator. The innovative application of this new science has revolutionized modern American and international political campaigns.

Jason Jay Smart – About

‘Give peace a chance’ apparently doesn’t apply if it involves Elon Musk or Russia

‘Give peace a chance’ apparently doesn’t apply if it involves Elon Musk or Russia (archived)

War is hell. Most people agree with that sentiment, whether the fighting involves our country or nations on the other side of the world. We would prefer current wars end quickly and no new wars were started.

Diplomacy ain’t what it used to be.

Pro-war messages from Ukrainians fighting for their lives is one thing. But the jingoism from Americans is inexplicable. Most American blue-and-yellow flag-wavers couldn’t have found Ukraine on a map a year ago. Today, they’re such geopolitical experts, they can’t be questioned.

We’re repeatedly told that nationalism [or neo-nazism] is a threat to democracy. Apparently, that only applies to the American variety. Ukrainian nationalism isn’t only tolerated, it’s becoming mandatory among our politicians and media figures.

It’s not enough to root for a free and peaceful Ukraine; you need to cheer on the slaughter of Russian conscripts, most of whom would rather be at home with their loved ones. And don’t you dare question the untold billions U.S. taxpayers are pouring into Kyiv. Only Putin fans are concerned about the $31 trillion national debt.

Our political class might be giddy at that outcome, but the rest of us see it as tragedy.

War is not the goal, in Ukraine or anywhere else; peace is. It would be nice if our leaders understood that.

Just searching for ‘peace’, in the last 24 hours, and this was all that came up for Ukraine-Russia, despite it being originally published on 10-08 in Arizona Republic.

Ukraine SitRep – Recent Incidents Of Concern For All Sides


Yesterday saw two significant developments or incidents with regard to the conflict in Ukraine.

Ukraine SitRep – Recent Incidents Of Concern For All Sides (18+)


Ukrainian forces report Starlink outages during push against Russia (archived, as original is behind paywall)

18+: Daily pictures : the final moments of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine:

Several distinct characters appear in the pictures. Some were displaying foreign badges, US, British, German or Polish ones. Bezsonov reports that foreign mercenaries [or also special operations forces (SOF) from the West, possibly decommissioned in the context ?] were involved in this Ukrainian recce formation. During fighting, they were bearing the blue armband of the Ukrainian national guard, not the yellow one of the regular army

The shit-posting, Twitter-trolling, dog-deploying social media army taking on Putin one meme at a time

The shit-posting, Twitter-trolling, dog-deploying social media army taking on Putin one meme at a time



Here’s How To Neutralize NAFO Trolls & Get Cartoon Dogs To Promote Pro-Russian Posts

Shitposting Shiba Inu Accounts Chased a Russian Diplomat Offline

If you’re plugged into the U.S. military social media sphere, they’re impossible to miss. They’re cute and ludicrous anthropomorphic Shiba avatars. They’re cute faces poking over track suits and army fatigues, some wear suits, some carry military equipment. These are the Fellas. Jack McCain, helicopter pilot and son of John McCain, uses a Fella avatar. CNN analyst and retired U.S. Army officer Mark Hertling is sharing the meme. U.S. Army Major General Patrick Donahoe is using a Fella avatar.

Russian MoD Shows Map Showing Possible Consequences of Ukrainian-US Provocation at Zaporozhye NPP + More

Russian MoD Shows Map Showing Possible Consequences of Ukrainian-US Provocation at Zaporozhye NPP

“The ultimate goal of the provocation is the creation of an exclusion zone of up to 30 kilometers, the introduction of international forces and foreign observers into the NPP’s territory, as well as the accusation of the Russian armed forces of nuclear terrorism,” Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov, the head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense of the Russian armed forces, said on Thursday.

Earlier on Thursday, Russian MoD spokesman Igor Konashenkov told reporters that Kiev plans to stage a false flag attack on the Zaporozhye NPP during Friday’s visit to Ukraine by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.


Any radiation leak at ZNPP would be violation of Article 5 of NATO charter – British MP

He’s reacting to the following story, by The New Voice of Ukraine, which has shady connections*:

Russia preparing false flag operation at Zaporizhzhia NPP, ISW report says (archived)

The ISW “report” is by The Institute for the Study of War, a Neocon think tank:

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