NATO rejects Serbian request – president

The US-led bloc denies there is a need for Belgrade’s troops to return to Kosovo, Aleksandar Vucic says

NATO rejects Serbian request – president


Reuters: NATO declines Serbia’s request to deploy its troops in Kosovo

The U. N. Security Council resolution says Serbia may be allowed, if approved by KFOR, to station its personnel at border crossings, Orthodox Christian religious sites and areas with Serb majorities.

Vucic criticised KFOR for informing Serbia of its decision on the eve of the Christian Orthodox Christmas, after Kosovo police arrested an off-duty soldier suspected of shooting and wounding two young Serbs near the southern town of Shterpce.

Police said both victims, aged 11 and 21, were taken to hospital and their injuries were not life threatening.

While Ukraine War Continues Southeast Europe Braces for Conflict in Serbia

Dec 20 2022 – After 300 NATO-trained Kosovar military police officers occupied the northern city of Kosovska Mitrovica in southern Serbia/Kosovo in early December, the Serbian president is looking to send the military into the region under United Nations Sec. Council Resolution 1244.

While Ukraine War Continues Southeast Europe Braces for Conflict in Serbia


A New Brutal Purge Upon the Serbs in the Making, Orchestrated by NATOstan