[2022] Chaos Agent – Yuri Bezmenov

Yuri Bezmenov defected from the Soviet Union to Canada in the ‘70s, and his warnings about disinformation have made him a posthumous star on social media. Documents obtained by CBC News reveal his toxic relationship with Canada’s intelligence services.

Chaos agent (archived)


Call Of Duty Trailer Recklessly Promotes Far-Right Conspiracy Theory (archived)

The person interviewing Bezmenov in the footage is far-right conspiracy theorist G. Edward Griffin, who has since made a name for himself in HIV/AIDS denialism and alt-right recruitment. As a member of the John Birch Society, a famously anti-Communist organization focused on establishing a more conservative government in the United States, it makes sense that Griffin would peddle Bezmenov’s claims about Soviet interference by way of social progress without any critical analysis. In the Call of Duty trailer, Activision presents Bezmenov’s words bereft of this important context.

Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War uses KGB video from 1984. Critics say it’s CIA propaganda

[2022] Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership — here’s why it doesn’t have mass shootings

Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership — here’s why it doesn’t have mass shootings

Switzerland hasn’t taken part in any international armed conflict since 1815, but some Swiss soldiers help with peacekeeping missions around the world.

Swiss authorities decide on a local level whether to give people gun permits. They also keep a log of everyone who owns a gun in their region, known as a canton, though hunting rifles and some semiautomatic long arms are exempt from the permit requirement.

But cantonal police don’t take their duty dolling out gun licenses lightly. They might consult a psychiatrist or talk with authorities in other cantons where a prospective gun buyer has lived before to vet the person.

Gun owners who want to carry their weapon for “defensive purposes” also have to prove they can properly load, unload, and shoot their weapon and must pass a test to get a license.

Switzerland is also one of the richest, healthiest, and, by some measures, happiest countries in the world.

The Swiss have been consistently near the top of this list. In 2017, when Switzerland was ranked fourth overall among nations, the report authors noted that the country tends to do well on “all the main factors found to support happiness: caring, freedom, generosity, honesty, health, income and good governance.”

Meanwhile, according to the report, happiness has taken a dive over the past decade in the US.

The report authors cite “declining social support and increased corruption,” as well as addiction and depression for the fall.



UPDATE: ‘Do not exaggerate importance of America’s equivalent to Wagner Group PMC’ says Russia

RUSSIA’S Press Secretary to the President, Dmitry Peskov, spoke on Thursday, February 2, about the news that the Mozart Group, America’s answer to Russia’s Wagner Group – Putin’s network of mercenaries and de facto private army – was apparently ‘leaving’ Ukraine and said not to exaggerate the PMC’s significance.

UPDATE: ‘Do not exaggerate importance of America’s equivalent to Wagner Group PMC’ says Russia


Hard Drinking and Murky Finances: How an American Veterans Group Imploded in Ukraine

U.S. Veterans in Ukraine Are Fighting Each Other in Court

Brazil: More Fascism and Neocolonialism or a Path Back to Self-Determination?

By Danny Shaw,

(The author has changed certain names and details to protect individuals’ privacy.)

When you arrive in another country, there is nothing more precious than new friends who adopt you, protect you, and teach you about their language, music, culture, and traditions. For an open-minded traveler, ethnographer and anti-imperialist organizer, this new family is more valuable than any air-conditioned hotel, amount of comfort or money.

Brazil: More Fascism and Neocolonialism or a Path Back to Self-Determination?

7/25/22 John Vaughn on Why People Aren’t Joining the Military

7/25/22 John Vaughn on Why People Aren’t Joining the Military


by John Vaughn | Jul 20, 2022

A new report from NBC news has generated a lot of discussion about the relationship between the military and American society. Especially from right-leaning commentators, much of the blame is placed on the current administration and the apparent increase of “woke” cultural initiatives and vaccine mandates. Prominent right wing personality and veteran BowTiedRanger lists three reasons:

A Veteran Explains Why People Aren’t Joining the Military

JD Vance Suggests People in ‘Violent’ Marriages Shouldn’t Get Divorced

JD Vance Suggests People in ‘Violent’ Marriages Shouldn’t Get Divorced (Archived)


Emotionally Abusive Marriage vs. Divorce and the Effects on Children

Emotionally abusive marriages can have long-lasting, negative effects on children. Children who grow up surrounding by arguing, name-calling and disrespect often develop anxiety and depression as well as struggle with behavioral and academic problems. While children of divorce may exhibit similar behaviors and symptoms, other children adjust to divorce over time, particularly if their parents are able to maintain an amicable relationship.

What is better for Kids: Divorced Parents or Fighting Parents?

When their relationships go sour, many married couples with children ponder whether it is better to divorce or to stay together for the kids.

While the latter might sound like the best solution, raising a child from divorced parents in a conflicted and unhappy environment can be just as damaging as divorce or even worse.

Effects of domestic violence on children

How to Make Russia Bleed

How to Make Russia Bleed

The only way to move Moscow from its disastrous policy, in the 1980s and today, has been to bleed it. Ratchet up the cost to the Russian people, economically, politically, and, yes, in body bags holding Russian troops (not civilians). In addition to sanctions and other measures the Biden administration has enacted, we need to increase the pain to Moscow on the ground by stepping up economic warfare, psychological operations, and robust covert military support to the Ukrainian insurgency.