Palestinian Genocide and Disposession and Israel’s Ben Gurion Canal Project


It has been revealed that the Ben Gurion Canal, which opens to the Red Sea from the Gaza-Ashkelon line, is behind Israel‘s genocide and dehumanization plan in Gaza. Within the scope of the plan, Israel aims to push Egypt further into a corner by eliminating Suez in the global trade and energy corridor and becoming a global trade and energy logistics center. Experts are of the opinion that this situation will shake the strategic-energy balance of China’s Belt and Road Project and the Mediterranean, along with the Strait of Hormuz, which is the transfer point of 30 percent of the world’s energy, and may trigger a global war.

Palestinian Genocide and Disposession and Israel’s Ben Gurion Canal Project


[2021] All you should know about the Israeli Ben Gurion Canal project

[2021] The US had a plan in the 1960s to blast an alternative Suez Canal through Israel using 520 nuclear bombs

Humanitarian crisis worsens in Gaza, as Biden describes civilian casualties as “the price of waging a war”

With Israel’s savage bombardment of the Gaza Strip continuing unabated, the humanitarian crisis faced by its 2.3 million residents has reached horrendous dimensions. In addition to an official death toll approaching 7,000, over 1.4 million people have been displaced by Israel’s genocidal onslaught, while supplies of food, clean water and fuel are on the verge of expiring.

Humanitarian crisis worsens in Gaza, as Biden describes civilian casualties as “the price of waging a war”

Biden Says Assad Must Go

While on the campaign trail, President Joe Biden spoke with some “Syrian American activists” who favor increased sanctions on the country as well as regime change in Damascus, during a private fundraiser in Maryland last month. According to neoconservative columnist Josh Rogin – one of Bill Kristol’s protégés – Biden told these regime change advocates that, among other things, Assad must go. Rogin says these activists “took advantage of their audience with Biden… to implore him to do more to oppose” Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Biden Says Assad Must Go


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US Launches Airstrikes in Syria After Drone Attack Kills US Contractor

The Pentagon announced on Thursday night that it launched airstrikes in Syria after a drone attack killed a US contractor and wounded five US troops near Hasakah in northeast Syria.

US Launches Airstrikes in Syria After Drone Attack Kills US Contractor


CIA Agent Killed, Others Wounded in a Bombing of a US Base in Syria

The Pentagon and all of the US military commanders know that every time Israel bombs a site in Syria, their troops will be bombed in retaliation by the Syrian resistance. The bombing of the base of the US Army of oil thieves in Hasakah was in retaliation to Israel’s bombing of Aleppo International Airport the day earlier, political analysts affirm.