Wisconsin Republicans unveil restrictive state-run medical marijuana plan

Wisconsin Republicans unveil restrictive state-run medical marijuana plan

Wisconsinites would need a doctor’s diagnosis to meet a list of numerous conditions: 

  • Cancer, HIV or AIDS, seizures and epilepsy, post-traumatic stress disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, glaucoma, severe chronic pain (tightly defined in the legislation), severe chronic nausea, severe muscle spasms, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, chronic motor or vocal tic disorder, Tourette syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, any terminal illness with a probable life expectancy of less than one year
  • A state pharmacist would then prescribe the amount of medical marijuana in various forms, excluding smoking.
  • According to the proposal:
  • Medical cannabis concentrates, oils, tinctures, edibles, pills, topical forms, gels, creams, vapors, patches, liquids, or forms administered by a nebulizer.

Basically, you have to be near death! 🙄

Alzheimer’s latest drug and science journalism’s memory problem

In July, the medical community was rocked by a disappointing reminder of science’s weakest link: the humans doing the work. The journal Science had shared that its six-month investigation supported the findings of whistleblower Matthew Schrag, who first noted altered images in a high-impact paper on Alzheimer’s, published in Nature in 2006. That paper is still flagged on Nature as under review, but the damage has already been done. Alzheimer’s drugs for the last decade and a half have been developed around claims without as much evidence as initially believed—which might also explain why they haven’t been working, leading people to pour false hope into useless and often expensive treatment plans for declining loved ones.

Alzheimer’s latest drug and science journalism’s memory problem

Xi Jinping elected for third term, and what happened to Hu Jintao?!

22nd October 2022 – (Beijing) China’s former president Hu Jintao was unexpectedly escorted out of the closing ceremony of the ruling Communist Party yesterday The 79-year-old, who was seated on the left of President Xi Jinping, was led off the stage of the main auditorium of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing by two stewards. Mr Hu, Mr Xi’s immediate predecessor, appeared confused and slightly disorientated as the assistants escorted him out. He appeared to resist leaving, turning back to his seat at one point. On his way out he exchanged words with Mr Xi and patted Premier Li Keqiang on the shoulder.

Chinese state media quashes speculation after former president Hu Jintao unexpectedly escorted out of the closing ceremony of CPC 20th National Congress

Xi Jinping elected for third term, and what happened to Hu Jintao?! via Reports on China

Pepe Escobar’s sources confirmed that Hu has Alzheimer’s disease and that it was his doctor that decided he should leave.

Medicare Part B premiums to decrease for the first time in over a decade

The Biden administration on Tuesday announced that Medicare Part B premiums will decrease in 2023, marking the first time this cost has been lowered in more than a decade.

Medicare Part B premiums to decrease for the first time in over a decade

Next year it will go back up because Biogen will probably raise the price of Aduhelm. I guess $5 is another can, or two, of cat food. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Americans Can Now Expect to Live Three Years Less than Cubans

Americans Can Now Expect to Live Three Years Less than Cubans

Source: Ian Bremmer

The decline means that several countries have caught up with or surpassed the U.S. According to World Bank data, Cuba’s life expectancy is 78.9, and China’s is 77.1, although both figures are from 2020 rather than 2021.

Other countries that are ahead of the U.S. in terms of life expectancy include: Colombia, Uruguay and Chile; Costa Rica, Panama and Puerto Rico; and Turkey, Greece and Albania.

Cubans have access to free healthcare, which is one of the key socialist principles. The country has a high ratio of medical professionals and focuses on prevention and primary care.


List of countries with universal health care