U.S. Officials Had a Secret Oil Deal With the Saudis. Or So They Thought.

After Saudi leaders pushed to slash oil production despite a visit by President Biden, administration officials have been left fuming that they were duped.

“I keep listening to, ‘Are you with us or against us?’ Is there any room for, ‘We are for Saudi Arabia and the people of Saudi Arabia’?” he said. “We will have to deliver our ambitions.”

U.S. Officials Had a Secret Oil Deal With the Saudis. Or So They Thought.

Saudis say US sought 1 month delay of OPEC+ production cuts

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Saudi Arabia said Thursday that the U.S. had urged it to postpone a decision by OPEC and its allies — including Russia — to cut oil production by a month. Such a delay could have helped reduce the risk of a spike in gas prices ahead of the U.S. midterm elections next month.

Saudis say US sought 1 month delay of OPEC+ production cuts


Saudi Arabia Defied U.S. Warnings Ahead of OPEC+ Production Cut

The one-month delay requested by Washington would have meant a production cut made in the days before the election, too late to have much effect on consumers’ wallets ahead of the vote.

To entice the Saudis to delay their decision, U.S. officials told the kingdom they would buy oil on the market to replenish Washington’s strategic stockpiles if the price of Brent, the main international benchmark, fell to $75 a barrel, according to U.S. officials and people inside the Saudi government.

Quid pro quo, huh?! 🧐💭

OPEC+ To Cut Oil Production By 2 Million Barrels Per Day

OPEC+ To Cut Oil Production By 2 Million Barrels Per Day

The specter of OPEC+ even considering such a large cut as global oil supplies are tight has sent the Biden Administration reeling. White House spokesman John Kirby on Wednesday said that the United States needed to be less dependent on OPEC+ and other foreign producers of oil. The White House was reportedly in a panic leading up to the meeting, trying to prevent OPEC+ from taking such a “hostile act”. In the runup to the meeting, the White House unleashed Amos Hochstein, Janet Yellen, and Brett McGurk to plead its case with the Gulf Nations. Evidence suggests the move had zero effect.


White House Disappointed With OPEC’s ‘Shortsighted’ Decision

In the meantime, the American Petroleum Institute (API) has criticized the administration’s energy policies, saying that dependence on OPEC and other foreign countries for our energy is a “choice”.

‘We can’t be an oil supplier’: Biden’s adviser says oil reserve releases must end

One of Biden’s top energy aides confirmed Friday the administration won’t extend the oil releases from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve that are scheduled to end this fall.

‘We can’t be an oil supplier’: Biden’s adviser says oil reserve releases must end


Soaring U.S. Production Can’t Keep LNG Prices In Check

Europe has displaced Asia as the top destination for U.S. LNG, and now receives 65% of total exports.

According to a report by the Oil & Gas Journal, 10-year LNG contracts are currently priced at ~75% above 2021’s rates, with tight supplies expected to persist as Europe aims to boost LNG imports.

Who’s telling the truth about prices?!