U.S. Files Serial Numbers Off Missiles Sent To Israel

WASHINGTON—In an effort to ensure the munitions were completely untraceable, the U.S. military began filing the serial numbers off all missiles being sent to the Israeli government, anonymous sources within the Pentagon confirmed Friday. “In the wake of recent IDF operations in Rafah, we will no longer serve as arms supplier to Israel without first removing the serial numbers from rocket artillery,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin reportedly told the Joint Chiefs of Staff, explaining that after assessing the situation, he and President Biden had agreed to pause shipments of high-payload munitions until the military could erase all evidence that they came from the United States. “We cannot in good conscience continue to enable a military campaign targeting innocent civilians in Gaza unless we’ve covered all our tracks. Tell your men and women that we have secured nearly 6 tons of steel wool that they are to use to sand down any identifying markers on missiles, ammunition, and tanks so we can confidently feign ignorance when the U.N. or the International Criminal Court comes around asking a bunch of questions. Be sure to scrape the little U.S. flags off the side, too—in fact, if there’s time, cover it with France’s or something. Then hit them all with a shammy to remove any fingerprints.” At press time, reports confirmed the armaments had arrived in Israel with no return address marked on the crates.

U.S. Files Serial Numbers Off Missiles Sent To Israel

House Votes To Extend Warrantless Spying Powers

House Votes To Extend Warrantless Spying Powers

H/T: The Most Revolutionary Act


FBI: Warrant Requirement for FBI’s Section 702 Queries Would Impede Investigations, Endanger National Security, Director Says

US to change Japan command posture to boost deterrence in face China -US envoy

US to change Japan command posture to boost deterrence in face China -US envoy

Sources with knowledge of the planning have told Reuters Washington will consider appointing a four-star commander for Japan to match the rank of the head of Japan’s new military headquarters. Experts say a U.S. officer of that rank could lay the groundwork for a future unified Japanese-U.S. command.


A Vital Next Step for the U.S.-Japan Alliance: Command and Control Modernization

Reimagining U.S. Forces Japan

The current structure of alliance command and control is not sufficient for the task. U.S. Forces Japan (USFJ) has changed little since the 1960s, when Japan was viewed as little more than a platform for U.S. military operations across the region. USFJ’s authorities and staffing are limited primarily to administering alliance agreements related to the 50,000-plus U.S. personnel stationed in Japan with the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Army. U.S. forces in Japan represent some of the most important U.S. military capabilities in the Indo-Pacific, but the three-star USFJ commander has limited joint operational authorities, and the separate U.S. service elements in Japan report back to their component headquarters in Hawaii.

Agenda of lies: PM slams groups creating false narratives to sabotage Funan Techo Canal project (Cambodia)

Prime Minister Hun Manet has lashed out at anti-government groups which are creating false narratives to sabotage the Funan Techo Canal project.

Agenda of lies: PM slams groups creating false narratives to sabotage Funan Techo Canal project (VIDEO)


US-Funded Radio Free Asia: Cambodia’s canal project would link its coast with the Mekong River

Stimson Center Funding Sources

Viet Ecology Foundation Tax Filings (only one from 2007)

Kim Sok

The Chinese ‘Debt Trap’ Is a Myth

The BRI is Not a Debt Trap!

Two Royal Navy Minehunters Bump in Bahrain | HMS Chiddingfold & HMS Bangor involved in Allision!

Two Royal Navy Minehunters Bump in Bahrain | HMS Chiddingfold & HMS Bangor involved in Allision!

Royal Navy Allision!

What’s Going on With Shipping? Jan. 21, 2024

In this episode, Sal Mercogliano – maritime historian at Campbell University (@campbelledu) and former merchant mariner – discusses the allision between the @RoyalNavy HMS Chiddingfold and HMS Bangor in Manama, Bahrain on January 19, 2024.

What is Going on With Shipping?


RFK Jr-Gabbard: Two Zionist Peas in a Pod

A source with supposed close ties to the presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has apparently relayed to a group of the candidate’s supporters that the rumored announcement of his vice presidential candidate coincides with Kennedy’s scheduled trip to Honolulu, Hawaii.

Is An RFK Jr-Gabbard Ticket In The Works To Challenge Biden-Harris?

If this rumor comes true, don’t forget that I called it back in October! 😉