Separatists fed up with Trudeau want province to break away from Canada, become 51st state

Separatists fed up with Trudeau want province to break away from Canada, become 51st state

“Trudeau, at heart, is a fascist; he’s a communist at heart, he’s a globalist,” the source said, who maintained that the prime minister “will never be held to account” because his administration also appoints the country’s judges.

H/T: The Most Revolutionary Act

Haven’t they been paying attention?! Joe Biden is a socialist, too!? /sarcasm

WATCH: DHS Chief Says Biggest Terror Threat is Americans Radicalized by ‘Online Narratives’

Source: Majority of Americans Don’t Trust Government

“Mayorkas said last year that white extremists are the greatest threat to America and put out terror alerts painting opponents of covid lockdowns and people who don’t trust the Biden regime as potential domestic terrorists.

WATCH: DHS Chief Says Biggest Terror Threat is Americans Radicalized by ‘Online Narratives’

I guess that 71% of us are domestic extremists?! 🤷🏼‍♀️