U.S. Helps Pro-Ukraine Media Run a Fog Machine of War + Supporting Front Orgs

U.S. Helps Pro-Ukraine Media Run a Fog Machine of War

As Congress debates major new funding to support the Ukrainian war effort, U.S. taxpayer dollars are already flowing to outlets such as the New Voice of Ukraine, VoxUkraine, Detector Media, the Institute of Mass Information, the Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine and many others. Some of this money has come from the $44.1 billion in civilian-needs foreign aid committed to Ukraine. While the funding is officially billed as an ambitious program to develop high-quality independent news programs; counter malign Russian influence; and modernize Ukraine’s archaic media laws, the new sites in many cases have promoted aggressive messages that stray from traditional journalistic practices to promote the Ukrainian government’s official positions and delegitimize its critics.

Related (front organizations):

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Anti-Imperialism in the US Today: What It Is and Is Not

Fidel Castro, the world recognizes as a historic anti-imperialist figure, repeatedly warned that the main danger to humanity is US imperialism: “There is an enemy that can be called universal, an enemy whose attitude and whose actions…threaten the whole world, bully the whole world, that universal enemy is Yankee imperialism.” He fought to build a world united front against imperialism, of the world’s peoples and countries to oppose the barbarous actions of US imperialism. We see that anti-imperialist unity right now with United Nations votes and worldwide protests against the US-Israeli slaughters in Gaza, in what the New York Times in 2003 called “a second superpower.” 

Anti-Imperialism in the US Today: What It Is and Is Not

The Anti-Defamation League: Israel’s Attack Dog in the US

Posing as a civil rights group, the ADL has long operated as an intelligence organization targeting Israel’s critics. So why does the media still treat it as a credible source?

The Anti-Defamation League: Israel’s Attack Dog in the US (archived)


ADL defines genocide and civil disobedience within the FBI

The Kings of Garbage, or, The ADL Spied on Me and All I Got Was This Lousy Index Card

When Do We Say Enough is Enough?: Philippines’ Tipping Point in Upholding Sovereign Integrity


When Do We Say Enough is Enough?: PH’s Tipping Point in Upholding Sovereign Integrity

Moreover, the involvement of Subic Bay, a location not officially listed as a site/base under the expanded Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) as the alleged destination of US military fuel from Pearl Harbor, prompts a critical inquiry about its role and whether it might be serving as an unofficial or de-facto EDCA site. Hence, it begs to inquire if Subic Bay is now effectively functioning as a de-facto EDCA site. And if so, could there be other undeclared de-facto EDCA sites serving similar purposes other than the nine declared ones?

Could it be posited that the current Philippine administration appears to prioritize the demands and interests of the United States over its own national interests, sovereignty, and independence, suggesting a level of deference that could be interpreted as reminiscent of a vassal state? This perspective raises questions about the autonomy of the Philippine political leadership and the extent to which it serves the interests of its citizens first and foremost. The lack of public discussion, accountability, and transparency on matters that potentially impinge on national sovereignty could be seen as indicative of a disproportionate influence by the U.S. on Philippine domestic affairs and foreign policy, prompting a reevaluation of the true nature of the bilateral relationship between the two nations.


US tanker canceled request to enter Subic – SBMA

[2008] When the Left Was Right

The ghosts of 1968 are haunting Barack Obama, which is tremendously unfair, I say as his coeval, given that our cohort spent the Chicago Democratic Convention sticking baseball cards in our bicycle spokes rather than pelting Mayor Daley’s finest with porcine epithets. But guilt by association is ironclad in these days when American political discourse is controlled by hall monitors and tattletales. Obama’s friendship—acquaintance?—with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn is about to get extended play as the Republicans contrast Obama’s Weatherfriends with their nominee’s stint in the Hanoi Hilton.

When the Left Was Right

The Kononovich Brothers – The Story So Far


Nov 22, 2023

600 days since the arrest of the Kononovich brothers, we look at how their case has progressed and what the anti-imperialist youth around the world have been doing to demand and secure their freedom from the reactionary Ukrainian regime.

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Full video: The Kononovich Brothers – The Story So FarSPECTRE Podcast


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