For a Just and Multipolar World Order: Russia and China Strengthen Alliance

The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has arrived in China on his first official visit abroad after his recent inauguration. He was received by his Chinese counterpart, President Xi Jinping, with whom he held talks agreeing to deepen mutual political trust and contribute to global security and stability.

For a Just and Multipolar World Order: Russia and China Strengthen Alliance


Xi Agrees To Deepen China-Russia Military Ties, Brushing Off US Warnings

Malaysia’s New Prime Minister: The Impact on US-China Tensions in Asia

Nov 30, 2022 – Malaysia’s new prime minister Anwar Ibrahim has spent decades in the service of US interests, chairing the IMF in the 1990s and working with the US National Endowment for Democracy ever since.

His opposition party, a street front he has helped lead, and media networks promoting him across Malaysia’s information space have all received funding from the US government through the NED.

What impact has Anwar Ibrahim already had on Malaysia’s sovereignty and development and what impact will his premiership have on Malaysia’s future?


Malaysia’s New Prime Minister: The Impact on US-China Tensions in Asia (Odysee) via The New Atlas

Anti-China Protests in Thailand: Who is Behind them & Why? Searching for Asia’s “Zelensky”

Nov 22, 2022 – As the US proxy war against Russia in Ukraine destroys a nation and destabilizes a region, similar meddling that preceded the 2014 coup in Kiev is unfolding across Southeast Asia and in particular, in Thailand.

Who is the “Zelensky” of Thailand? Documented evidence exposes the Thai opposition as a product of years of US interference all in a bid to pivot Thailand aways from its largest economic and trade partner – China – and transform it into a belligerent proxy against Beijing on Washington’s behalf.


Anti-China Protests in Thailand: Who is Behind them & Why? Searching for Asia’s “Zelensky” (Odysee) via The New Atlas


Thailand: US-backed Opposition’s Violence Intimidates Critics, Paves Way for Regime Change

Philippines: Our Foreign Policy on China Is Clear, But Is It to The United States?

The chief architect of Philippine foreign policy is the President.

It appears that the sitting President has been somewhat slow in defining it but certainly he knows that buck of responsibility stops with him.

Our Foreign Policy on China Is Clear, But Is It to The United States?


Are Freedom of Navigation Operations and Innocent Passage Really the Same?

U.S. destroyer challenges China’s claims in South China Sea

Kamala Harris Heads to Philippines to Pick a Fight With China

Macron rejects ‘confrontation’ as he relaunches Asia strategy

Macron rejects ‘confrontation’ as he relaunches Asia strategy

“We don’t believe in hegemony, we don’t believe in confrontation, we believe in stability,” Macron said.

Macron said a coordinated response was needed to tackle the overlapping crises facing the international community — from climate change to economic turmoil triggered by Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Our Indo-Pacific strategy is how to provide dynamic balance in this environment,” he said.

“How to provide precisely a sort of stability and equilibrium which could not be the hegemony of one of those, could not be the confrontation of the two major powers.”

The Indo-Pacific Strategy doesn’t sound as innocent as Macron makes it out to be:

The new US Indo-Pacific Strategy document released in February has two interesting components, one overt and one covert. The document overtly declares the US is an “Indo-Pacific power.” Covertly, its aim is to “tighten the noose around China.” Arguably, minus the military might, China’s nearly a decade-long “Belt and Road Initiative” cannot be perceived as a grand national strategy aimed at controlling Eurasia or the Asia Pacific or any region for that matter. Yet the BRI is mythologized into such a geostrategic game-changer that it has rattled the US and its allies in the Asia Pacific. The BRI, at best, is nothing more than a mere geopolitical overland and maritime “chessboard” based on trade and investment.

BRI and the ‘Indo-Pacific’ Strategy: Geopolitical vs. Geostrategic

The Battle of Ukraine and the War It’s Part Of

The Battle of Ukraine and the War It’s Part Of

The Russian military is not the Red Army, but the forces opposing it areinclusive of a revanchist army of Hitlerian fascism. The principal actors in this conflict are, on the one side, a rising oligarchic capitalist state trying to create a multipolar world in which it and other rising, (including self-identified socialist) countries can act and grow unconstrained by the hegemon, and, on the other, an oligarchic capitalist and hegemonic imperialist state, plus Nazis. I’m not a fan of either of them, but I know whom I don’t want to win.

And so does China. And Venezuela. And Nicaragua. And Cuba.

If there’s a way out, it’s with them.



In general, much remains to be done to strengthen national sovereignty in the economy. American sanctions are the agony of the outgoing imperial world economic system based on the use of force. In order to minimize the dangers associated with it, it is necessary to accelerate the formation of a new – integral – world economic order which restores international law, national sovereignty, equality of countries, diversity of national economic models, principles of mutual benefit and voluntariness in international economic cooperation.”