White House Now Facing A Significant Internal Revolt Against It’s Stance On The Israel-Hamas War

White House Now Facing A Significant Internal Revolt Against It’s Stance On The Israel-Hamas War

WNU Editor: I have been studying US politics and its foreign policy for decades. This internal turmoil on U.S. – Israel policy is “remarkable and unprecedented”. And it is not stopping there. The US Congress is now working in a bipartisan manner to block some White House decisions …. Biden faces embarrassment over $6billion Iran hostage deal as Republicans AND Democrats vote to permanently freeze funds (Daily Mail).

How the Billionaires Control U.S.-and-Allied Governments

An artists’ mordant representation of the Euromafia: all basically illegitimate leaders at the head of fake democracies.

In virtually every country that’s allied with the U.S. Government against Russia and against China, there is a low public job-approval-rating for its head-of-state and for its Government, and a rating that is far lower than is the public job-approval for the leaders of the countries that the U.S. gang are trying to regime-change. If a given nation’s leader’s net public job-approval rating (% who approve, minus the % who disapprove) is above 0%, or positive, then that is an indication the nation’s Government is a democracy, because then that leader is satisfying his public (including his political opposition — not merely his own voters) more than dissatisfying it — that leader actually DOES represent his nation. However, if the net job-approval rating is below 0%, or negative, it’s likelier a dictatorship than a democracy (and then the question is: whom does that leader actually serve?).

How the Billionaires Control U.S.-and-Allied Governments

Pentagon sending troops to train Peruvian coup regime’s killers

The US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), the Pentagon’s overseer for Latin America and the Caribbean, will be sending hundreds of Marines and special forces troops to Peru beginning as early as this week, to train military and Peruvian National Police special forces units. These same forces have carried out massacres and extra-judicial executions to suppress the mass protests against the coup regime of Dina Boluarte.

Pentagon sending troops to train Peruvian coup regime’s killers