Robbers ‘Loot’ Russian Missiles Left Behind In Chernihiv; Ukrainian Police Bust Bizarre Theft, Arrest Culprits

Robbers ‘Loot’ Russian Missiles Left Behind In Chernihiv; Ukrainian Police Bust Bizarre Theft, Arrest Culprits

Tor is a short-range, all-weather, low to medium-range surface-to-air missile system deployed in Ukraine. Both combatants have used the weapon system and its various upgraded and modernized variants in the ongoing war. Ukrainian forces destroyed several Russian Tor air defense systems throughout the war.

This is the second time in a week that such bizarre theft has come to light. Earlier this week, the National Police in Kyiv had disclosed the seizure of weapons and detained a man who they claim had “a significant amount” of arms hidden in an apartment and a garage.

Controversy has unfolded in Ukraine regarding criminals and arms traffickers stealing weaponry sent from Western equipment stock meant for the Ukrainian troops that are perpetually in need of armed support, whether Western or Soviet-origin arms, to fight against the Russians.

According to a Defense Department inspector general report* that came to light in July this year, criminals, volunteer fighters, and arms traffickers took some Western-provided weaponry and equipment meant for Ukrainian troops last year before it was found.


*The DoD’s Accountability of Equipment Provided to Ukraine (DODIG-2023-002)

Stolen Surface-To-Air Missiles Found In Kyiv Garage

Elon Musk says Joe Biden and the US government are the ones to blame for the Crimea Starlink debacle, not him

Elon Musk has been scrambling to defend his decision to block Ukraine’s access to Starlink in 2022 near Crimea — and his latest explanation involves blaming the US government.

Elon Musk says Joe Biden and the US government are the ones to blame for the Crimea Starlink debacle, not him


Musk Comes Under Fire for Preventing Ukraine Attack on Russia

Stolen Valor & Frauds: Foreign Mercenaries in Ukraine

Stolen Valor: The U.S. Volunteers in Ukraine Who Lie, Waste and Bicker


U.S. Veteran Who Shared His Ukraine Experience Accused of Being Fraud

H/T: Judge Napolitano (Jack Posobiec didn’t give Gonzo Lira any credit).

Source: Reddit

Sarah Ashton-Cirillo (Newsweek) says that James Vasquez is a fraud, but Malcom Nance (NYT) says that he isn’t (aren’t they all?!). Newsweek also says that Vasquez deleted his Twitter account but, as of now, it’s still active.

US, China on Collision Course Over Taiwan

Scott Ritter

Chinese officials have made it clear that their “One China” policy regarding Taiwan is founded on a constitutionally mandated principle of so-called “peaceful reunification.” War, Chinese officials say, is a measure of last resort, only to be employed to prevent the fact of Taiwan’s secession from China, or when possibilities for peaceful reunification have been completely exhausted. But current US policies on Taiwan appear designed to push China to the brink, raising the prospect of armed conflict.

US, China on Collision Course Over Taiwan

The Israel Lobby’s ‘QME’ Scam

The Israel Lobby’s ‘QME’ Scam

Symington & Glenn now reside in the Arms Export Control Act and require the president to notify Congress of any proposed US foreign aid to a known rogue nuclear state. Rather than comply with the law, the last four Presidents instead caved in to Israeli and its US lobby’s pressure not to uphold that particular section of the AECA. Presidents Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump instead executed secret letters promising not to do so as reported by Adam Entous in The New Yorker. The National Archives refuses to release two of these letters. After a successful lawsuit was filed in 2011 to release damning US government information about Israel’s nuclear weapons production facilities, President Barack Obama even passed a 2012 gag order called WNP-136 forbidding any further releases. That has limited any informed debate about Israel, nonproliferation and related policies such as QME. Other legislation promoted by AIPAC, such as sections within S.2583, now mandate that the US withhold IAEA funding if the leading state sponsor of Middle East nuclear proliferation is ever “denied its right to participate in the Agency.”