What the LA synagogue pro-Palestinian protest was really about


President Biden said he was ‘appalled’ by the scenes outside Adas Torah

What the LA synagogue pro-Palestinian protest was really about

David Villamar interviewed about Ecuador’s violent crime disaster

Despite the ongoing genocide in Gaza, Ecuador’s violent crime problem is such an incredible disaster that it manages to attract international attention. Criminals have recently taken over live newscasts. Supporters of the rightwing governments that created the disaster (for example, The Economist) have declared Ecuador to be the deadliest country in the Americas. It’s difficult for Ecuador to get international news coverage. In recent years, it generally has to be something very bad (or sports-related).

David Villamar interviewed about Ecuador’s violent crime disaster


How Did Ecuador Spiral into This Nightmare? It Was the Neoliberal Dismantling of the State

Pakistan’s misery continues

Pakistan has a general election today. It will decide on the next government of the world’s fifth-most populous nation and the governments of its four provinces — Punjab, Singh, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Around 128 million people can vote to pick 266 representatives to form the 16th parliament in a first-past-the-post system. They will also vote to elect the legislatures of the country’s four provinces.

Pakistan’s misery continues

Study: Field Drug Tests Generate Nearly 30,000 Bogus Arrests A Year

Field drug tests often seem to be more a triumph of imagination than a triumph of science. They’re cheap. Some popular tests run less than $3/per. That’s the literal selling point. When in doubt, a cop can get probable cause by grabbing a substance, dumping it into a field test, and deciding whatever results are generated are evidence of guilt.

Study: Field Drug Tests Generate Nearly 30,000 Bogus Arrests A Year

Venezuela’s Authorities Arrest Union Activist in Connection with Terrorist Plot (+Vente Venezuela)

Attorney General of Venezuela Tarek William Saab reported, via social media, the arrest of a union activist in Barinas state named Víctor Venegas. Venegas was allegedly involved in conspiracies threaten the peace of the country and the lives of senior officials.

Venezuela’s Authorities Arrest Union Activist in Connection with Terrorist Plot (+Vente Venezuela)

That was quick! He already has a Wikipedia page!

Ecuador: Quasi Civil War

Ecuador: Quasi Civil War

Los Choneros is tied to the Mexican drug Sinaloa Cartel and Los Lobos to Jalisco. Ecuador itself, together with Bolivia and Colombia, is part of the so-called cocaine triangle, which is the world’s largest producer of the drug. From Ecuador, it travels overland to Brazil and Peru and by sea to Mexico, European countries, and the African market.

Finally, and thirdly, another version of the reason for the current conflict outbreak is the activation of the CIA and their agents who want to destabilize the entire Andean region (after all, the situation in Peru and Chile is also complicated). Although it sounds like a conspiracy, given the skills of US intelligence agencies and their networks in Latin America, it should not be dismissed, but more attention should be paid to the activities of State Department agents who do not want to lose the region.

Interestingly, when I highlight and look up, ‘cocaine triangle’, Apple brings up the Wikipedia page for ‘CIA involvement in Contra cocaine trafficking’. 🤔

Related (Money & Front Organizations):

RT—Ecuador: 2 Days of Armed Violence, 14 Deaths, Several Kidnapped and Injured, Dozens Arrested (+Correa & Maduro)

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