China’s economy is still far out growing the U.S. – contrary to Western media “fake news”

GDP data for China, the U.S., and the other G7 countries for the year 2023 has now been published. This makes possible an accurate assessment of China’s, the U.S., and major economies performance—both in terms of China’s domestic goals and international comparisons. There are two key reasons this is important.

China’s economy is still far out growing the U.S. – contrary to Western media “fake news”

DPRK: Press Statement of Vice Department Director of C.C., WPK Kim Yo Jong

Press Statement of Vice Department Director of C.C., WPK Kim Yo Jong

Pyongyang, January 7 (KCNA) — Kim Yo Jong, vice department director of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, on Sunday issued the following press statement titled “Misjudgment, conjecture, obstinacy and arrogance will invite irretrievable misfortune”:

The Joint Chiefs of Staff of the ROK on Jan. 6 announced that the Korean People’s Army (KPA) launched artillery firing in the southwestern waters for two consecutive days of Jan. 5 and 6.

However, the KPA did not fire even a single shell into the relevant waters.

The ROK military gangsters quickly took the bait we threw.

We conducted a deceptive operation in order to assess the real detecting ability of the ROK military gangsters engrossed in bravo and blind bravery while crying for “precision tracking and monitoring” and “striking origin” whenever an opportunity presents itself and give a burning shame to them who will certainly make far-fetched assertions.

The KPA watched the reaction of the ROK military gangsters while detonating blasting powder simulating the sound of 130 mm coastal artillery for 60 times.


North Korea again fires near the sea border with the South, as its leader’s sister mocks Seoul

The Joint Chiefs of Staff said North Korea fired more than more than 90 rounds near the rivals’ disputed western sea boundary on Sunday afternoon. It said South Korea strongly urged North Korea to stop provocative acts immediately.

Israel President Herzog’s ‘honest’ speech to the US Congress

Israel President Herzog’s ‘honest’ speech to the US Congress

But if we are honest with ourselves, we should admit that we have also copied the worst of imperial Europe. We share a dark past of settler colonialism, war, ethnic cleansing of Indigenous inhabitants and a persistent history of racism and discrimination including slavery in the Americas, and apartheid in Palestine.

Our success was made possible through the blood and tears of countless victims. We’ve treated our nemeses as warmongers, our critics as enemies, and our enemies as modern-day Hitlers, but no other states have waged as many wars, or embarked on as many military interventions in the past eight decades as we have.

But unlike him [Chaim Herzog], I can no longer keep silent as our military and civilian occupation mutates into an apartheid system in the Middle East. I do not say that lightly; I say it with a heavy heart. I do not say it out of pity for the millions of Palestinians, most of whom stubbornly linger under occupation and in refugee camps, I say it out of pity for my people and what’s become of us as decades-long occupiers and dispossessors. Our chutzpah is self-defeating. Our hasbara is wearing thin.

I never was a particularly brave or charismatic parliamentarian and head of the opposition. But that stops now, knowing I will never again have a better platform to address your people and mine. We may have become rich and powerful but we’ve never been so divided, so fanatical; so morally bankrupt.

Friends speak truth to each other. Good friends speak the bitter truth. It befalls upon you, once again, to save us from ourselves. To free us and the Palestinians from an entrenching system of apartheid that is bound to lock us in hatred and violence for decades to come. There is little I can do, as a ceremonial president, other than to speak out.

So, I urge you to condemn racism and apartheid today, as you condemned apartheid in South Africa, albeit belatedly in the past. And I urge you to push us to come to terms with the Palestinians, who soon will become the majority between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

Do not believe a word Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says about the Palestinians; he has made a career out of trafficking in fear.

After killing & plundering African people, the West still wants to teach them democracy

In a powerful speech, Fred M’membe, the President of the Socialist Party of Zambia slams the West’s hegemonic narrative of democracy.

After killing & plundering African people, the West still wants to teach them democracy via Li Jingjing


If We struggle For the World We want We Will Win

What is this United States Democracy Summit Zambia is Hosting For?

This is not a race

When Emmanuel Macron complained to Biden that the Inflation Reduction Act will hurt European businesses I made fun of him. I made fun of all the European politicians who complained about the IRA because, really, it has always been pathetic to assume someone other than yourself should take care of you and your strategic interests because you’re friends.

This is not a race (original)