What Mobile Clinics in Dollar General Parking Lots Say About Health Care in Rural America

Yves here. Having lowest of low end retailers take a flier with mobile clinics is yet another proof of the poor state of health care in the US. I would be curious to learn how countries in Europe encourage/incentivize doctors to practice out in the boonies. One can envision remedies, like scholarships for doctors who agree to practice in designated areas for at least five years, but dreaming up solutions and getting them implemented are in two different universes.

Needless to say, giving the poverty of local alternatives, some of the users of this service are fans. But your humble blogger is not comfortable with a purely profit-motivated party so remote from the health care industry providing treatments.

What Mobile Clinics in Dollar General Parking Lots Say About Health Care in Rural America

U.S. Allowing Weapons Customers to Commit Crimes Against Humanity on the Saudi‐Yemen Border

President Joe Biden wants to sign a security agreement with Saudi Arabia despite its history of human rights abuses and, in recent actions, its reported shooting and killing of Ethiopian migrants.

U.S. Allowing Weapons Customers to Commit Crimes Against Humanity on the Saudi‐Yemen Border


US Knew Saudis Were Slaughtering African Migrants at Border But Kept Quiet

Biden Isn’t Fooled by Netanyahu. So Why Meet Him? + Biden should rethink the Saudi Arabia-Israel normalization deal

US Soldier Travis King seeks Asylum in DPR Korea for Racial Discrimination

On July the 18th Juche 112 (2023) Travis King, 2nd class private of the US Army in south Korea illegally intruded into the territory of the DPRK in the joint security area of Panmunjom.

Looking around the joint security area of Panmunjom together with tourists at around 3:30 pm on July the 18th, King intentionally intruded into our area between the DPRK and US military contact room and resting room of military police officers to be caught by the soldiers of the Korean People’s Army on duty.

According to an investigation of an organ concerned, Travis King admitted that he illegally intruded into the territory of the DPRK.

During the investigation he confessed that he decided to come over to the DPRK opposed to inhuman maltreatment and racial discrimination in the US army.

Saying he was disillusioned at the unequal American society he expressed his will to seek political asylum either in the DPRK or in third country.

The investigation continues.

Pyongyang, August 16th Juche 112 (2023)

US Soldier Travis King seeks Asylum in DPR Korea for Racial Discrimination (Odysee) via 푸옹 Phuong DPRK Daily


KCNA Report on Interim Findings of Investigation into American Solider

U.S. Soldier, Travis King, Who Crossed Into Our Territory Wants Refuge From Mistreatment, Racial Discrimination —North Korea