Israel Strikes Iran Amid New International Push to Contain Tehran

Israel Strikes Iran Amid New International Push to Contain Tehran

“Explosive night in Iran,” Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to Ukraine’s president, wrote on Twitter in response to the blast in Iran. “[Ukraine] did warn you.”


Israel behind foiled drone attack on defense facility in Iran’s Isfahan: WSJ

“Not a good week for the apartheid regime either at home or abroad. However, even though Netanyahu and his western backed terrorist allies in northern Iraq have failed, there will be consequences. They both need to learn that punishment comes with failure too,” Marandi wrote.

Terrorists’ Safe Haven in Northern Europe

May 14, 2022:

Sweden is one of the European countries that has become a safe haven for the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, a.k.a. MKO and PMOI). Supporting sabotage attempts, sheltering the murderers of the Iranian people, and involving in bitter hostilities toward Iranians are just some of the policies of the Swedish government against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Terrorists’ Safe Haven in Northern Europe

Iran blocks IAEA nuclear inspections under Additional Protocol following sanctions deadline

Press TV – February 23, 2021

Iran has stopped the voluntary implementation of the Additional Protocol to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Safeguards Agreement that allowed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to carry out short-notice inspections of the country’s nuclear facilities, following a deadline set by Tehran for the removal of US sanctions.

Iran blocks IAEA nuclear inspections under Additional Protocol following sanctions deadline