New York and New England start RATIONING heating oil before winter as stockpiles slump by 70% and fears rise that families will be left in the cold

Heating oil suppliers in the Northeast and New England have begun rationing the key fuel ahead of winter, after stockpiles dropped to a third of their normal levels.

New York and New England start RATIONING heating oil before winter as stockpiles slump by 70% and fears rise that families will be left in the cold

Diesel Crisis Deepens As Inventories Fall To Dangerous Levels

Diesel Crisis Deepens As Inventories Fall To Dangerous Levels

Yet right now, U.S. buyers are snapping up diesel cargos from Europe in a way similar to how Europe has been snapping up LNG cargos originally meant for Asian destinations. And supply is not going up fast enough because there is not enough refining capacity for it to go up fast enough or even meaningfully enough. And this spells a lot more trouble for both Europe and the U.S., especially in the inflation department.

It was the first thing that came to mind. 🤷🏼‍♀️