NATO Opens Second Front in Effort to Bleed Russia Dry

On Tuesday, the military forces of Azerbaijan shelled territory in neighboring Armenia. “The hostilities erupted minutes after midnight, with Azerbaijani forces unleashing an artillery barrage and drone attacks in many sections of Armenian territory, according to the Armenian Defense Ministry,” reports to the Associated Press. The premier corporate propaganda outfit cited serious damage to “civilian infrastructure and also wounded an unspecified number of people,” including 49 Armenian soldiers (later updated to 99 soldiers).

NATO Opens Second Front in Effort to Bleed Russia Dry

LEAKED: ‘Bald and Bankrupt’ INTERROGATED by Russian authorities (English subtitles)

Apparently, he was arrested, and fined, for trespassing at the Baikonur Cosmodrome [1], in Kazakhstan, which is leased to Russia. Then, he was then arrested and “found guilty of committing an administrative offense under Part 1 of Art. 20.3.3. Code of Administrative Offenses, that is, in discrediting the Russian Armed Forces.” [2]. The first offense seems to have occurred a few months ago. What he says is interesting regarding YouTube, etc.


[1] [05-2022] UK YouTuber Benjamin Rich quizzed and fined at Russian space centre

[2] “Bald and bankrupt” was asked from Russia: scandalous British blogger Benjamin Rich said goodbye (original)

Brighton YouTuber ‘kicked out and banned from Russia’ after being ‘arrested’

Protests in Kazakhstan! Why Kazakhstan?

I’m quite sure this has western backing. That’s my relatively educated and insightful opinion. A“protest” of this size coming out of nowhere? Not credible.

Protests in Kazakhstan! Why Kazakhstan?

My thoughts, as well!


Kazakhstan: This is NOT a protest.

Further Reading Recommended by Penny (archived because it’s behind a paywall for me):

Will Unrest in Kazakhstan Inflame Tensions Between Russia and the West?


Moscow: Events in Kazakhstan Are Attempt to Undermine Security of State, Inspired From Abroad