Inflation and interest rates: the US experience

Once again the US Federal Reserve is in a quandary. Does it cut its policy interest rate soon in order to relieve pressure on debt servicing costs for consumers and businesses and perhaps avoid a stagflationary economy (ie low or no growth alongside higher inflation); or does it hold its current interest rate for borrowing in order to make sure inflation falls towards its target of 2% a year?

Inflation and interest rates: the US experience

Diplomatic Process Between US and Venezuela Breaks Down + María Corina Machado’s Lengthy Criminal Record

The first steps of a path aimed at improving ties between the US and Venezuela have been abandoned. Washington has reimposed sanctions on Caracas and threatened more. Venezuelan officials say the country will block deportation flights from the US.

Diplomatic Process Between US and Venezuela Breaks Down


María Corina Machado’s Lengthy Criminal Record

Soros Foundation to End Most EU Operations in Radical Shift

Soros Foundation to End Most EU Operations in Radical Shift

The foundation will also continue to fund initiatives promoting human rights, democracy and accountable government across eastern Europe and central Asia, particularly in non-EU members Ukraine, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, and the Western Balkans, the spokesperson said. The focus of grants in the new model will be determined in the coming months.

In the EU, OSF financed a wide range of philanthropic programs in the bloc’s eastern former communist members, including Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and elsewhere.*

Regime Change coming to Ukraine, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, and the Western Balkans soon?!

H/T: SDer Friedensstifter


Soros Foundation to be restructured to focus on non-EU countries

They will also continue to support NGOs in Europe, including groups working on the EU’s foreign policy, the Roma community, and human rights, democracy and accountable governance in the region, and the spokesperson specifically mentioned Ukraine, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan and the Western Balkans here.

*NGOs, “Unions”, & Media Outlets in the Service of Imperialism

This is how they will CONTROL every Ukrainian + U.S. wants to spread it.

We told you that the app that the U.S. was testing on Ukraine was coming to the U.S. next and it’s here. The app was created by Google and it is a government’s dream. It lets you track you and lets you track your neighbors. What more could a nefarious government agency want??

This is how they will CONTROL every Ukrainian via Redacted


Ukraine’s secret weapon is an app. The U.S. wants to spread it.

How Ukraine Government Is Converting Digital ID System Into Wartime Tool

When Liberals Fell in Love With Benito Mussolini

When we speak of concepts like “totalitarianism” and “corporatism,” it is often assumed that fascism stands very far from the liberal market society that went before it, and which we are still experiencing today. But if we pay closer attention to Italian fascism’s economic policies, especially during the 1920s, we can see how some combinations typical of both the last century and our own were experienced already in the first years of Benito Mussolini’s rule. A case in point is the association between austerity and technocracy. By “technocracy,” I refer to the phenomenon whereby certain policies that are common today (such as cuts in social spending, regressive taxation, monetary deflation, privatizations, and wage repressions) are decided by economic experts who advise governments or even directly take over the reins themselves, as in several recent cases in Italy.

When Liberals Fell in Love With Benito Mussolini

The alliance of MI6, the CIA and the Banderites

After having shown that the war in Ukraine was prepared by the Straussians and triggered on February 17 by Kiev’s attack on the Donbass, Thierry Meyssan returns to the secret history that links the Anglo-Saxons to the Banderites since the fall of the Third Reich. He sounds the alarm: we have not been able to see the resurgence of Nazi racialism in Ukraine and in the Baltic States for thirty years, nor do we see that many of the Ukrainian civilians we welcome are steeped in Banderites’ ideology. We are waiting for Nazi attacks to begin in Western Europe before we wake up.

The alliance of MI6, the CIA and the Banderites

Neo-liberal Macron government in France pushes 2023 budget without parliamentary vote + French Labor Unrest Illustrates Worsening Economic Crisis Within the EU

The austerity-ridden budget was approved without a vote on after the government involved a controversial provision of the constitution. Earlier, left-wing MPs had passed several amendments to the government’s proposals

Neo-liberal Macron government in France pushes 2023 budget without parliamentary vote


French Labor Unrest Illustrates Worsening Economic Crisis Within the EU