Persecution of media, bans, Nazi symbols: Ukraine abolishes human rights

This was also recognized by the US State Department.

At the end of April, Ukraine submitted an application to the Council of Europe for a partial suspension of certain clauses of the European Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms in the country due to martial law. Ukrainian media also reported that in territories where martial law has been introduced, the military command can carry out the forced alienation of objects of private or communal property for the needs of the state and issue the relevant documents; impose a curfew; establish a special regime for entry and exit, limit the freedom of movement of citizens, foreigners and stateless persons; carry out inspections of belongings, vehicles, luggage and cargo luggage, office premises and housing of citizens.

Persecution of media, bans, Nazi symbols: Ukraine abolishes human rights


Ukraine updates its exemptions from the European Convention on Human Rights

Sites covering the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church blocked in Ukraine + Ukrainian government hires lobbyists in the U.S. to support the law on banning the UOC

Sites covering the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church blocked in Ukraine

A number of major sites covering the activities and the plight of the persecuted canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, including an official UOC resource, have been blocked in Ukraine.

The blocked sites include the UOC’s Information-Education Department (, the Union of Orthodox Journalists (, Orthodox Life (, and This was reported by both the Union of Orthodox Journalists and

Last month, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) raided the homes and offices and arrested several members of the Union of Orthodox Journalists, who now face life in prison for a number of charges related to their reporting on the persecution of the UOC.


Ukrainian government hires lobbyists in the U.S. to support the law on banning the UOC – mass media

Ukrainian MP: We will vote to ban the UOC by the anniversary of the invasion

Oleksandr Aliksiychuk stated that MPs plan to vote on the bill to ban the UOC in February 2024.

MP from “Servant of the People” Oleksandr Aliksiychuk stated that the second reading of the bill to ban the UOC will be voted on in February 2024, dedicating it to the second anniversary of the Russian invasion. He said this in an interview with the public organization “Holka”.

MP: We will vote to ban the UOC by the anniversary of the invasion


US lawyer sends “White Book” on draft law against UOC to the Verkhovna Rada

The US has a long history of interfering in the Orthodox Church

Free Speech Experts Realizing Just How Big A Free Speech Hypocrite Elon Is

Jan 16th 2024

On Monday, Elon Musk tweeted “To fear parody or criticism is a sign of weakness.”

If true, then this is Elon admitting to an astounding level of weakness. I mean, we’ve been chronicling for nearly two years now how Elon Musk talks a good game on free speech, but at every opportunity he’s had, he has not embraced actual free speech. Instead he’s worked hard to silence or punish those who say things critical of himself. This includes filing ridiculous lawsuits against two vocal critics.

Free Speech Experts Realizing Just How Big A Free Speech Hypocrite Elon Is

The Finnish government plans to criminalize communist symbols


On August 31st 2023 the Finnish government released a rather confusing document advocating the banning of communist symbols. The completely outlandish document is called a “Government statement to Parliament on promoting equality, gender equality and non-discrimination in Finnish society”. What does a document with such a title have to do with communism?

The Finnish government plans to criminalize communist symbols