Henry Kissinger, world-shaping diplomat who was revered and reviled, dies at 100

Henry Kissinger, the toweringly influential former secretary of state who earned a reputation as a sagacious diplomat but drew international condemnation and accusations of war crimes for his key role in widening the American presence in Vietnam and the U.S. bombing of Cambodia, died Wednesday.

Henry Kissinger, world-shaping diplomat who was revered and reviled, dies at 100 🎉


Dead at 100, Henry Kissinger Leaves Behind a Bloody Legacy

‘I Don’t Give a F*ck About AIPAC,’ Says Mark Pocan


‘I Don’t Give a F*ck About AIPAC,’ Says Mark Pocan

Pocan was drawn into the fracas between progressive lawmakers and AIPAC last month after the group falsely accused him and other representatives of “trying to keep Hamas in power.” The attack came after 10 members of Congress—nine Democrats and Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.)—voted against an October 25 resolution pledging unconditional support for Israel’s war on Gaza.

Massie joined progressive Democrats in pushing back against AIPAC, posting on social media that “this baseless smear is meant to intimidate me into voting to send $14+ billion of your money to a foreign country.”

Pocan—who did not vote against the resolution—wrote: “AIPAC is not good at telling the truth. We don’t support Hamas. We just don’t support killing kids, which it seems you do.”


The Lobbyists Who Don’t Want A Ceasefire (transcript)

The Surprisingly Durable Myth of Donald Trump, Anti-Imperialist + Trump’s Actual Record in Office (From Anti-imperialist Perspective)

Amid the sordid crimes of the American Empire, running from the Mexican-American War under Polk to the Forever Wars that have marked the 21st century, there have been a few brave souls who have stood as the nation’s conscience. These dissidents have repeatedly mounted principled opposition to plunder, torture, and conquest. The roll call of anti-imperialist heroes includes Henry David Thoreau, Mark Twain, W.E.B. Du Bois, Helen Keller, Martin Luther King Jr., Noam Chomsky, Bernie Sanders, and Barbara Lee.

The Surprisingly Durable Myth of Donald Trump, Anti-Imperialist


Trump’s Actual Record in Office (From Anti-imperialist Perspective)

Was Tulsi Gabbard Ever Anti-War?! [no]

Knew the majority, of this, but hadn’t put it all together in one place. New, to me, was her support of the Kurdish militias. I’ll probably duplicate this, onto its own page, where I can add more to it at a later date!

Tulsi Gabbard, with Shmuley Boteach and Miriam Adelson.*

Tulsi Gabbard says Hamas attack is a ‘wake-up call’ for global leaders as she shows support for Israel

‘That’s why I left Democratic party’: Tulsi Gabbard slams Dem elites for ‘hating’ America and ‘sympathizing’ with Hamas

H/T: Revolutionary Blackout

Ex-Dem Tulsi Gabbard Responds When Asked About Possibly Being Trump’s VP

The 42-year-old made an appearance on Fox News’ “Hannity” and admitted her secret ambition to be Trump’s running mate in the 2024 presidential election.

Research Notes:

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Imperialist Sanders Has Peace Activists Arrested


Washington, D.C. – A group of 50 activists and Vermont constituents staged a sit-in inside Senator Bernie Sanders’ office on Wednesday, demanding the senator to call for peace and diplomacy in Ukraine instead of more weapons and war. The sit-in resulted in the arrest of 11 activists, including an 89-year-old CODEPINK peace activist.

Eleven activists Arrested in Senator Bernie Sanders’ Office Demanding Diplomacy Instead of Funding More War in Ukraine

AOC-Led Delegation Can Push for New Approach to Latin America

You might not know it by the relatively scant news coverage, but the U.S. congressional delegation, led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, that visited Brazil, Chile, and Colombia in August marked a big step forward in the development of a new U.S. approach to Latin America and highlighted the important role that the U.S. progressive left has to play in it.

AOC-Led Delegation Can Push for New Approach to Latin America


AOC urges US to apologize for meddling in Latin America: ‘We’re here to reset relationships’

Asked if the left needs to build a counterweight network, Ocasio-Cortez, whose trip to Latin America was branded “AOC’s socialist sympathy tour” by Rupert Murdoch’s conservative Wall Street Journal newspaper, replied: “I absolutely believe that the battle for democracy must be transnational and it must be global, and it especially must be hemispheric.