Erik Prince Calls for US to ‘Cleanse’ Africa and Latin America ‘Gaza Style’


ERIK PRINCE HAS been many things in his 54 years on Earth: the wealthy heir to an auto supply company; a Navy SEAL; the founder of the mercenary firm Blackwater, which conducted a notorious 2007 massacre in the middle of Baghdad; the brother of Betsy DeVos, Donald Trump’s secretary of education; a shadow adviser to Trump; and the plaintiff in a lawsuit against The Intercept.

Erik Prince Calls for US to ‘Cleanse’ Africa and Latin America ‘Gaza Style’

President Biden extends student loan payment freeze through May 1

President Biden extends student loan payment freeze through May 1

Whenever loan payments resume, many experts say the process will be quite messy, given so many back and forths with borrowers. Even a 2020 report from the Education Department noted the resumption of payments would be messy. Loan servicers and the federal government, the report says, will “face a heavy burden in ‘converting’ millions of borrowers to active repayment.” The transition could also be confusing to borrowers, with some “becoming delinquent, at least initially.”

Ali Kinani, 9 years old, was killed by Blackwater guards in Baghdad #Trump just pardoned his killers.

Who are the criminals and fascists? Donald Trump’s decision to pardon four Blackwater contractors involved in the 2007 slaughter of Iraqi civilians was met with a tsunami of anger and resentment online from people calling it a travesty of justice. President Donald Trump announced on Tuesday evening that he is issuing 15 full pardons and commuting the punishments of five convicts to time served. Four of the people given clemency were former employees of the infamous private military company Blackwater.

Ali Kinani, 9 years old, was killed by Blackwater guards in Baghdad #Trump just pardoned his killers.


Did Melania Trump Use Personal Email for Government Business?

Did Melania Trump Use Personal Email for Government Business?

The government’s failure to preserve its emails dates all the way back to January 1989 – beginning with an attempt by the outgoing Reagan White House to destroy its email backup tapes. This destruction was only thwarted by the National Security Archive’s lawsuit, which first established emails as federal records. Read more about the Archive’s decades-long battle to preserve White House email here.