Gaza Aid Flotilla With 1,000 Passengers, Tons Of Supplies Poised To Sail – As IDF Awaits

A flotilla of ships packed with a thousand activists, human rights observers and more than 5,500 tons of food and medical supplies is ready to sail from Istanbul to for Gaza. To do so, they’ll need the Turkish government to let them leave the port, and then run the risk of being subjected to a deadly Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) attack — as their predecessors were in an infamous 2010 incident.  

Gaza Aid Flotilla With 1,000 Passengers, Tons Of Supplies Poised To Sail – As IDF Awaits (archived)

White House Says The U.S. Intelligence Community Was Not Aware Of Hamas’ Plan To Attack Israel

His comments come after the New York Times reported that Israeli officials obtained the plans more than a year before the Oct. 7 attack occurred.

White House Says The U.S. Intelligence Community Was Not Aware Of Hamas’ Plan To Attack Israel


Israel’s Women Border Troops Say Their Warnings On Hamas Were Ignored

Israeli intelligence ‘dismissed’ detailed warning of Hamas raid

How Netanyahu falsifies the news

We in the West think we’re well informed about what’s happening in Gaza. We are not. The images we see are selected. The comments we hear do not allow us to understand them. They deliberately mislead us. Any dissenting opinion is censored.

How Netanyahu falsifies the news

Where Are the Tears?

When Benjamin Netanyahu boasts of “hellfire” being rained down on Gaza, he is correct. “Hellfire” has rained down on Gaza creating one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent memory. But what Israel’s prime minister gets wrong is that this crisis dates back long before Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack. Hell on earth has been the reality in Gaza since 2005 when the territory’s population of more than 2 million had its movement and freedom restricted as the Israelis began a blockade of the land that limited the amount of fuel, food, medicine and water that the Gazans could access.

Where Are the Tears?

Shen Yi’s response to New York Times Hit Piece



As China Looks to Broker Gaza Peace, Antisemitism Surges Online

Shen Yi, a prominent professor of international relations at Fudan University, likened Israel’s attacks to acts of aggression perpetrated by Nazis. Among the comments on recent posts from the official social media account of Israel’s embassy in China were similar comparisons of Israelis to Nazis.

Previous video: Lies written in ink can never conceal the truth written in blood

Leaked: Israeli plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza

The document, issued on 13 October, identifies a plan to transfer all residents of the Gaza Strip to North Sinai as the preferred option among three alternatives regarding the future of the Palestinians in Gaza at the end of the current war between Israel and the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance

Shen Yi’s full response