Mail fraud? Biden’s postal inspectors tracked pro-gun activists

The U.S. Postal Service monitored protesters across the country, snooping on Americans focused on issues involving guns and President Biden’s election, according to records obtained by The Washington Times.

“We determined that certain proactive searches iCOP conducted using an open-source intelligence tool from February to April 2021 exceeded the Postal Inspection Service’s law enforcement authority,” the Postal Service watchdog said in a March audit. “Furthermore, we could not corroborate whether other work analysts completed from October 2018 through June 2021 was legally authorized.”

Mail fraud? Biden’s postal inspectors tracked pro-gun activists

H/T: John Crump News

Welcome to the club!

A New Generation of US-trained Extremists Is Fighting Russia. Are We Prepared for the Blowback?

A boomerang. By TJ Coles, Global Research, 6/8/22

US agencies have directly and indirectly trained and empowered Nazis and ultra-nationalists at home and abroad to fight Russians in Ukraine. This program follows the blueprint established by Western intelligence agencies in Afghanistan and Syria.

TJ Coles: A New Generation of US-trained Extremists Is Fighting Russia. Are We Prepared for the Blowback?

The Beefing Boogaloo Boys of Ukraine

The Beefing Boogaloo Boys of Ukraine (Archived)

Dunn said that after a supply run to Poland, he decided to join up with a new unit in Ukraine, and he remains “willing to give you my all.” But Hoeft disputed this account: He alleged in a since-deleted Instagram Story that Dunn was kicked out of the Georgian National Legion for his involvement with extremist groups in the U.S. and is now serving with a far-right contingent of the Ukrainian guard whose flag has been championed by white supremacists across the world.


US Army veteran fighting in Ukraine says he went AWOL because it was a ‘trap’

On Wednesday, War is Boring relayed information that wounded foreign fighters were being fatally shot by their own in order to prevent them from falling into Russian hands.

“They don’t try and help you,” one source told War is Boring’s editor, Andy Wolf. “If you’re hit, you are finished.”

Similar accounts were also relayed on Telegram, confirming the source’s firsthand accounts.

“Foreign mercenaries who were wounded in the #Volnovakha hospital were shot by their own before leaving the city so that they could not tell anything. All shot in the temple or the back of the head,” Mango Press reported, “According to Yan Gagin, an adviser to the head of the government of the Donetsk People’s Republic.”

YouTube: Henry Hoeft AKA Henry Locke’s Clarification

Ukraine’s foreign fighters ridicule American Boogaloo Boy who RAN AWAY when he realised he’d actually have to fight Russians in Kyiv with the kit he was given and complained he’d been lured into ‘trap’


Foreign Fighters Flee from Ukraine after Being Tortured and Used as Cannon Fodder

Foreign Fighters Flee from Ukraine after Being Tortured and Used as Cannon Fodder

Foreign fighters now on the battlefield in Ukraine – Military Times Paul Antonopoulos Internationalist 360°

On February 27, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made a plea for foreigners to fight against the Russian military. In a statement, Zelensky said, among other things, that “This is not just Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This is the beginning of a war against Europe, against European structures, against democracy, against basic human rights, against a global order of law, rules and peaceful coexistence.” He added: “Anyone who wants to join the defense of Ukraine, Europe and the world can come and fight side by side with the Ukrainians against the Russian war criminals.”

Foreign Fighters Flee from Ukraine after Being Tortured and Used as Cannon Fodder (H/T: The Most Revolutionary Act)


Western Neo-Nazis [& Boogaloo Bois] Respond to Azov’s Call to Arms

Forward Observations Group BMP-1

US Group Claiming to be ‘Military Lifestyle Brand’ Allegedly Training Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Mercenaries