Personal post: 04-30-2024

I’ve uploaded a few video clips to my Rumble. Otherwise, I haven’t been doing many. This following video I found on Reddit.

TikTokNora Yang

Earlier today, I finished listening to Capital, Vol. 1. I’m definitely going to have to read the book, as I did fall asleep during a couple of chapters. Bad me, I know. It’s been hard for me to listen to audiobooks, anymore, because I’ve been falling asleep to a YouTube playlist for the past few years.

Anyway, I’m tired, and I am going to take a cat nap. Good night!

Quotes by Lenin to reflect on and some updates

I needed some inspiration.

The more democratic the system of government is, the clearer it will be to the workers that the root of the evil is not the lack of rights, but capitalism.

Vladimir Lenin

Under capitalism democratism is restricted, cramped, curtailed, mutilated by all the conditions of wage slavery and of the poverty and misery of the masses.

Democracy for an insignificant minority, democracy for the rich: this is the democratism of capitalist society

Vladimir Lenin, The State and Revolution


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Reading Update: 03-08-2024a

I was able to listen to two Chapters of Capitalism and Disability, earlier. I’ve been experiencing quite a bit of pain, lately. When I’m in pain, I can’t concentrate, so I didn’t even attempt to read The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. Hopefully, the pain subsides some, soon.


In other news, I found this funny. Fairbanks Morse Defense isn’t far from me, so I liked their Facebook page to stay up-to-date. They make engines for naval vessels. The Little Crappy Ships are the only ones that I’m aware of (one reason why I’m interested in them). In fact, those ships were made at the Fincantieri Marinette Marine shipyard up North. Someday, I’ll have to look into Fairbanks Morse’s history.

Anyway, good night or morning, depending on your sleep schedule.