Brazil: Haiti and Latin American Imperialists

Full video


Brazil reinforces border with Venezuela, Guyana with armored vehicles

Guyana, Brazil expand strategic military cooperation

Growing US Military Presence in Brazil

Why Lula Is Silent on Haiti

From 2004 to 2017, Brazil led the military component of the United Nations-backed peacekeeping mission to Haiti known as MINUSTAH. Since the U.N. Security Council authorized a new mission to Haiti last October, however, Brasília has been shy about supporting the operation. Brazil has offered to train Haitian police forces, but it has declined multiple requests from both the United States and United Nations to provide forces or financing for a new mission.

The Shocking Truth About U.S. and Canada’s Coming Invasion of Haiti

President Biden is flying to Canada to meet with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to discuss the coming invasion of Haiti. In this video, we explore the shocking truth about the involvement of the United States and Canada in destabilizing Haiti. With recent developments and allegations of interference from the Biden administration, it’s important to understand the historical and current context of U.S. and Canadian involvement in Haiti. From political meddling to economic exploitation, we delve into the complex web of factors that have contributed to the current state of affairs.

The Shocking Truth About U.S. and Canada’s Coming Invasion of Haiti – What You Need to Know! via Redacted


U.S. pushing Canada to lead international force to Haiti

UN calls for foreign intervention in Haiti as violence surges

Steve Bannon Called Bolsonaristas, ‘Freedom Fighters’ 🧐💭

Steve Bannon has spent months falsely saying the Brazilian election was stolen

“It’s the Brazilian Spring,” Bannon added. [Like the US-backed Arab Spring?!]

Then on January 8, as the pro-Bolsonaro riot was commencing in Brazil’s capital, Bannon repeatedly posted on Gettr that “Lula stole the election” and referred to the insurrectionists as “Brazilian Freedom Fighters.” [Like the US-backed Afghan Freedom Fighters or the Syrian Freedom Fighters?!]

If pics prove that someone is WEF-controlled than I guess Bolsonaro is?!


Twitter Thread: “The US right is backing an attempt at a color revolution in Brazil, & while the government isn’t fully endorsing it, the questioning of Brazil’s elections came from former gov officials & the west first not Brazil, which points to US Intel at play underneath the facade

YouTube: How Brazil’s Coup Attempt Was US Backed But Not J6 w/ Addy Adds

Steve Bannon:

He is a former executive chairman of Breitbart News and previously served on the board of the now-defunct data-analytics firm Cambridge Analytica.

While serving in the navy, he earned a master’s degree in national security studies in 1983 from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service.

Bannon was an officer in the United States Navy for seven years in the late 1970s and early 1980s; he served on the destroyer USS Paul F. Foster as a surface warfare officer in the Pacific Fleet, and afterwards as a special assistant to the chief of naval operations at the Pentagon.

Cambridge Analytica and the Right-Wing Populist Movements

WikiSpooks: Georgetown University

Spies Like Us: The Spooks of Georgetown

Brazil Is Having Its Own Jan. 6 Right Now

Brazil Is Having Its Own Jan. 6 Right Now (archived)

Much like former U.S. President Donald Trump, the right-wing populist Bolsonaro has claimed for years that the country’s elections are riddled with fraud, claims many elections officials, election security experts, and fact-checkers have adamantly refuted. Bolsonaro has even alleged that detractors attempted and failed to steal the election from him in 2018. For weeks since Bolsonaro’s defeat by leftist opponent Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Nov. 1, his supporters have been calling for a coup. Trump allies Steve Bannon and Jason Miller have reportedly been advising Bolsonaro since his defeat, and his son, Brazilian congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro, has reportedly met with Trump at Mar-a-Lago.

Video via Mizoto Tv


Bolsonaro Backers Storm Government Buildings

The three buildings, representing Brazil’s three branches of government, are connected through Three Powers square. Brazilian TV aired footage of the attackers in the palace, per the AP. Bolsonaro, who left Brazil for Florida before Lula took office, did not immediately comment on the violence—evocative of the Jan. 6 attack on the US Capitol. Aides to former President Donald Trump have met with Bolsonaro’s aides since Brazil’s election, per the Insider, and Steve Bannon recommended contesting the results of the Oct. 30 vote. Like Trump, Bolsonaro has not conceded the election. Brazil’s justice minister tweeted Sunday that reinforcements are on the way to stop the invasion. “This absurd attempt to impose their will by force will not prevail,” said Justice Minister Flavio Dino posted. (Read more Brazil stories.)

More videos from Brazil

Brazilian Anarchist expert reveals Social War behind key Lula / Bolsonaro Vote

Brazilian Anarchist expert reveals Social War behind key Lula / Bolsonaro Vote

Despite the glowing picture that progressives and social democrats paint of Lula, it was under the PT (Worker’s Party) that Brazil’s government made its turn toward austerity. Given that this will likely be a second term in office for him, how effective do you think left organizations and movements will be at wringing concessions from a Lula-led PT government?

A leftist victory in Brazil’s election could be the lifeline Cuba, Venezuela need right now

A leftist victory in Brazil’s election could be the lifeline Cuba, Venezuela need right now

Yet, Lula will likely not seek major changes that would jeopardize current U.S.-Brazil relations.

Morgenstern adds that, “with Biden, Lula would have an ally with some tension … his interest (in the U.S.) has always been purely economic,” but “Lula’s friends are enemies of even the American left … the communist dictatorships of Latin America, China, Russia, the Palestinian Authority.”

Derosa argues, “the political forces represented by Lula are anti-American by definition,” yet he notes that, “Lula is skilled in negotiations and has always maintained a posture of dialoguing with everyone. He wouldn’t make a trade break, but he will certainly prefer multilateral relations … he would hardly break with the U.S., even more so while the United States is governed by the Democratic Party.”

As to why Lula’s close association with dictatorships has never been wielded against him in Brazil, Morgenstern sees a significant difference between parties in Brazil and elsewhere: “The Brazilian ideological left really believes that ‘social inequality’ is the biggest problem in the universe, so it is a declared fan of dictatorships (Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua), unlike the American left.”

So much wrong with these analyses. I found no evidence that Russia, or the PA, are communist and many would argue that China is communist in name only. As for dictatorships, the Democrats love them! Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, UAE?! 🤦🏼‍♀️

Brazil: More Fascism and Neocolonialism or a Path Back to Self-Determination?

By Danny Shaw,

(The author has changed certain names and details to protect individuals’ privacy.)

When you arrive in another country, there is nothing more precious than new friends who adopt you, protect you, and teach you about their language, music, culture, and traditions. For an open-minded traveler, ethnographer and anti-imperialist organizer, this new family is more valuable than any air-conditioned hotel, amount of comfort or money.

Brazil: More Fascism and Neocolonialism or a Path Back to Self-Determination?

Big Tech Keeps Withholding Data that Could Help Solve Assassination of Rio de Janeiro Councilwoman Marielle Franco

RIO DE JANEIRO – Four-plus years after the assassination of Rio de Janeiro councilwoman Marielle Franco (38), social media giant Facebook has yet to provide investigators with the full stored data of Internet users who visited her social media account prior to the double homicide.

Big Tech Keeps Withholding Data that Could Help Solve Assassination of Rio de Janeiro Councilwoman Marielle Franco