Chile’s Foreign Ministry confirms the death of Chilean journalist Gonzalo Lira, who was imprisoned in Ukraine

Gonzalo Lira had been in prison since May 5, 2023, after being detained by the Ukrainian security service after being accused of allegedly supporting and justifying the Russian military operation.

The Chilean-American journalist Gonzalo Lira died in Ukraine after having been in prison for various crimes reported by the Ukrainian security service. Lira was covering the war between Ukraine and Russia.

The information was first reported by Russian media, but later confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country.

According to Sputnik, the journalist had pneumonia in both lungs, pneumothorax and a very severe case of edema. Likewise, although the illnesses worsened in mid-October, the prison authorities ignored it until December 22.

For its part, RT also reported the death of the professional, providing the same diagnosis.

This information was expressed by the same journalist through different publications that he made once free.

When consulted by CNN Chile, the Foreign Ministry explained that the consulate in Warsaw, Poland, reported the death, so they were gathering more details in Kiev.

On May 5, 2023, Lira was detained by the Ukrainian security service after being accused of allegedly supporting and justifying the Russian military operation, spreading false news about the conflict, filming videos where he tried to capture the faces of Ukrainian military personnel and insulting them.

Lira, originally from the United States and with Chilean citizenship, previously criticized the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) , the Biden Administration and Zelensky himself in his videos.

The journalist’s father, also called Gonzalo Lira, referred to his son’s death in the same medium through a letter published by American journalist Tucker Carlson on social networks.

“I cannot accept the way my son died. He was tortured, extorted, held incommunicado for 8 months and 11 days and the US embassy did nothing to help my son. The responsibility for this tragedy lies with the dictator Zelensky with the concurrence of a senile American president, Joe Biden,” said Carlson.

Foreign Ministry confirms the death of Chilean journalist Gonzalo Lira, who was imprisoned in Ukraine (Translation by Google)

RT says that the State Department confirmed his death. Zerohedge reported. Breitbert reported. The Grayzone reported. NakedCapitalism reported. The article, that I posted, was from WSAU AM in Wisconsin (they removed it). Nothing in mainstream corporate media, of course!

Was Tulsi Gabbard Ever Anti-War?! [no]

Knew the majority, of this, but hadn’t put it all together in one place. New, to me, was her support of the Kurdish militias. I’ll probably duplicate this, onto its own page, where I can add more to it at a later date!

Tulsi Gabbard, with Shmuley Boteach and Miriam Adelson.*

Tulsi Gabbard says Hamas attack is a ‘wake-up call’ for global leaders as she shows support for Israel

‘That’s why I left Democratic party’: Tulsi Gabbard slams Dem elites for ‘hating’ America and ‘sympathizing’ with Hamas

H/T: Revolutionary Blackout

Ex-Dem Tulsi Gabbard Responds When Asked About Possibly Being Trump’s VP

The 42-year-old made an appearance on Fox News’ “Hannity” and admitted her secret ambition to be Trump’s running mate in the 2024 presidential election.

Research Notes:

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RAIR Research


Unmasked anti-Muslim troll Amy Mekelburg connected to Chris Gaubatz

Information published on social media and reviewed by Hatewatch show that RAIR’s president is Chris Gaubatz, a well-known anti-Muslim figure previously affiliated with the hate group Understanding the Threat. …

Though not the most outspoken anti-Muslim figure, Gaubatz has presented Islam as a violent religion and subscribes to a variety of anti-Muslim conspiracy theories. In 2016, he joined up with former FBI agent turned anti-Muslim conspiracist John Guandolo. Up until April of this year, Gaubatz served as vice-president of Guandolo’s consulting firm Understanding the Threat (UTT). During that time, Guandolo and Gaubatz traveled the country providing training seminars about the “jihadi threat” to law enforcement and civilians. …

Trump’s Loudest Anti-Muslim Twitter Troll Is A Shady Vegan Married To An (Ousted) WWE Exec

Siino, meanwhile, moved to Los Angeles to launch a doomed internet media startup called WeMash with Quincy Jones III, son of the famous music producer. …

Mekelburg had also been trying to make inroads into what Ibrahim Hooper calls “the cottage-industry of Islam haters,” which is run by bigots such as Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, David Horowitz, Brigitte Gabriel and Frank Gaffney — several of whom have close ties to the Republican establishment and the Trump administration. Their efforts can be remunerative, thanks to generous funding from conservative and libertarian foundations such as the Donors Capital Fund.

Mekelburg’s best connection to this world was through Anni Cyrus, who produces The Glazov Gang, an Islamophobic talk show that can be found on YouTube. Host Jamie Glazov is the editor of one of Horowitz’s anti-Muslim publications. Mekelburg asked for Cyrus’ help in launching her own anti-Muslim organization. Cyrus, who did not respond to HuffPost’s requests for comment, greeted Mekelburg’s overture with enthusiasm. …

Mekelburg named her organization Resistance Against Islamic Radicals (RAIR). She created a website, set up a Facebook page and a Twitter handle, and recruited Cortez to design artwork from behind bars, according to Galasso. RAIR’s mission would be “to stop the Jihadi infiltration in our American communities.” Mekelburg didn’t mention herself anywhere on the organization’s website. Under an “accomplices” section, however, she posted the names, photos and contact information for people and groups she believed were collaborating with jihadi terrorists. That could mean anyone with a connection to Islam.


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Jordan issues subpoena to FBI director for documents over withdrawn memo on Catholic Churches

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan issued a subpoena to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Monday for documents as House Republicans investigate the circumstances surrounding a since-withdrawn memo from the bureau’s Richmond field office that focused on extremism in the Catholic Church.

Jordan issues subpoena to FBI director for documents over withdrawn memo on Catholic churches

H/T: Kim Iversen


FBI Investigations Of Radical Catholic Traditionalists Can Help The Church

Bakhmut Update 3/25/2023: Beware of Reports Originating from British Intelligence

Bakhmut Update 3/25/2023: Beware of Reports Originating from British Intelligence

Of course if you believe propaganda allegedly originating from British intelligence you would think the Russians are losing and that Wagner forces will withdraw and redeploy to Africa. This sort of nonsense contributes nothing to understanding factually what is going on in Ukraine and is a disservice to concerned citizens. (See for example this story in Breitbart).

If Ukraine does call off any offensive to relieve Bakhmut, then the US/NATO plan for an attack on Crimea remains credible. However, the risk of a very large scale Russian encirclement of Ukraine’s forces could force a change of plans.

GOP Stops Pretending It Ever Actually Cared About ‘Antitrust Reform’

GOP Stops Pretending It Ever Actually Cared About ‘Antitrust Reform’

To be clear, despite the press narrative to the contrary, I don’t think either party is particularly serious about antitrust reform. Congress is simply too grotesquely corrupt, and the combined cross-industry lobbying opposition to meaningful reform too great, to currently be overcome without some sort of major policy and cultural trajectory shift and a massive upheaval in Congress.


Big Tech Antitrust Push in Congress Is Blunted by GOP-Led House

The appointment of Massie, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology-trained inventor who has filed dozens of patents, signals that the Judiciary Committee under Chair Jim Jordan of Ohio will shift its focus away from legislation aimed at curbing the power of the largest tech companies. Jordan has been more focused on free-speech issues, including big tech’s perceived liberal bias.

“We’re all united in wanting to stop the censorship of conservatives and the suppression of free speech,” Jordan said in an interview. “That’s going to be a focus of the full committee work.”

Funny, that’s not what Massie told Breitbert. 🤷🏼‍♀️