OIC, resistance groups condemn Israeli forces’ strip-search of Palestinian women as UN urges investigation

The United Nations has called for an investigation into the forced stripping of five Palestinian women by Israeli soldiers during a raid on their home in the southern West Bank city of al-Khalil as the move also draws condemnation from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

OIC, resistance groups condemn Israeli forces’ strip-search of Palestinian women as UN urges investigation


‘Most victims don’t speak up’: Israeli soldiers ‘regularly’ strip-search Palestinian women

An Open Letter to RFK Jr. on Israel/Palestine

This article was originally written as a private letter addressed to Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his campaign manager, former Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH). Unanswered since it was sent in early June 2023, it is now published as an open letter.

An Open Letter to RFK Jr. on Israel/Palestine


Israel’s One-State Reality

When a U.S. president demanded inspections of a nuclear facility in the Middle East (and failed)

The Battle of the Letters, 1963: John F. Kennedy, David Ben-Gurion, Levi Eshkol, and the U.S. Inspections of Dimona

International leaders push social media companies to ban anti-Zionist speech

The international effort to criminalize criticism of Israel is hitting new strides. Bringing the weight of numerous Western governments, the so-called Interparliamentary Task Force to Combat Online Antisemitism has renewed efforts to label criticism of Israel as antisemitism and to thereby enable online censorship of any such criticism.

International leaders push social media companies to ban anti-Zionist speech

Catherine Perez-Shakdam: The “Israeli Spy” Who “Infiltrated” MintPress

A storm of controversy erupted earlier this year in Iran, after local media outlets announced that a “Mossad spy” and “Israeli infiltrator” had gained the trust of the country’s senior leadership, penetrated into the highest halls of power, and had even been employed as a writer for Ayatollah Khamenei himself.

Catherine Perez-Shakdam: The “Israeli Spy” Who “Infiltrated” MintPress

U.S. Zionists Foxman, Jacobs and Kurtzer sound alarm about Netanyahu’s extremist government

Benjamin Netanyahu is set to announce his new governing coalition that includes openly racist and fascistic lawmakers (according to reports), and American Zionists have been sounding alarms that the next government will break Israel’s supposedly unbreakable relationship with the U.S.

U.S. Zionists Foxman, Jacobs and Kurtzer sound alarm about Netanyahu’s extremist government


What in the World Is Happening in Israel?

I don’t think a day passed on this trip when I did not read about or see TikTok or other videos of a Palestinian shot by Israeli soldiers or Israelis rammed into or attacked with knives by individual Palestinians. This conflict porn is new, it’s pervasive and it is incredibly effective at instilling hate in 15-second bites that keep everyone in a permanent state of fear and rage

The Ideal of Democracy in a Jewish State Is in Jeopardy