Are Biden & Putin ACTUALLY Talking???

Nov 9, 2022 – It’s been firmly established in the American media and by countless blue checks on Twitter that negotiation of ANY KIND with Putin’s Russia is unacceptable, appeasement and a betrayal of the Ukrainian people. Just ask the House progressives who were widely excoriated for penning a mildly-worded letter to the White House advocating diplomacy with Russia. Except now it turns out, according to a Wall Street Journal article, that White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is, in fact, engaging in diplomacy with his Russian counterparts.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss whether it’s a good idea for competing nuclear powers to discuss ways to avoid World War III.

Are Biden & Putin ACTUALLY Talking???

Questions remain unanswered after New York City nuclear war alert

Questions remain unanswered after New York City nuclear war alert

It should also be noted that the head of New York City’s Office of Emergency Management is Zach Iscol, who was appointed by Adams on February 22, just days before the beginning of the war in Ukraine. Iscol is a representative of what the WSWS has termed the “CIA Democrats”: former intelligence and military personnel who are deeply embedded in the US national security apparatus and have come to play a major role in Democratic Party politics.

Iscol is a former Marine who was involved in the Second Battle of Fallujah in 2004, the single biggest battle during the bloody, decades-long US occupation of Iraq. The city, one of the oldest urban settlements of human civilization, was turned into a sea of ruins and has become a sinister symbol of the war crimes of US imperialism against the people of Iraq. In 2020, Iscol unsuccessfully ran for the office of mayor, pledging to “translate” his experience during the battle of Fallujah to New York City — a threat that must no doubt be taken seriously.


NYC Prepares for the ‘Big One’ With Nuclear Attack PSA Video

The MADness of the Resurgent US Cold War With Russia

The war in Ukraine has placed US and NATO policy toward Russia under a spotlight, highlighting how the US and its allies have expanded NATO right up to Russia’s borders, backed a coup and now a proxy war in Ukraine, imposed waves of economic sanctions, and launched a debilitating trillion-dollar arms race. The explicit goal is to pressure, weaken and ultimately eliminate Russia, or a Russia-China partnership, as a strategic competitor to US imperial power.

The MADness of the Resurgent US Cold War With Russia

Majority of Americans Fear Nuclear Weapons Use After Russia’s Ukraine Invasion + What You Need to Know About the Threat of Nuclear War

Poll: Majority of Americans Fear Nuclear Weapons Use After Russia’s Ukraine Invasion


What You Need to Know About the Threat of Nuclear War – Robert Scheer Interviews Ted Postol

TP: We’re talking about a wall of fire that encompasses everything around us at the temperature of the center of the sun. That will literally turn us to less than ash, if this thing gets going. I can’t emphasize how powerful these weapons are. When they detonate, they’re actually four or five times hotter than the center of the sun, which is 20 million degrees Kelvin. They’re 100 million degrees Kelvin at the center of these weapons.

H/T: Natylie’s Place: Understanding Russia

Escalation Without Consequences on the Op-Ed Page

Escalation Without Consequences on the Op-Ed Page

The United States implemented two “no-fly zones” over Iraq between 1991 and 2003, at which point the US and its partners moved on to the full-scale devastation of Iraq, killing hundreds of thousands in the process. NATO created “no-fly zones” in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and later over Kosovo, during the period in which NATO was dismantling Yugoslavia. In 2011, NATO imposed a “no-fly zone” in Libya, ostensibly to protect the population from Muammar Gaddafi: The result was ethnic cleansing, the emergence of slave markets, mass civilian casualties and more than a decade of war in the country.