Why Did Washington Insist on the Kosovo War?

The following remarks were delivered at a conference marking the 25th anniversary of the NATO bombing of Serbia: “The 1999 Red-Green Bombing Terror against Serbia,” held on March 20, 2024, at the Bundestag in Berlin hosted by MdB Dr. Rainer Rothfuß and his Alternative for Germany parliamentary group.

Why Did Washington Insist on the Kosovo War?


Bosnia II: The Clinton Administration Sets Course for NATO Intervention in Kosovo

Meet Mr. Massacre 

Breakup of Yugoslavia

Armenia is pivoting to the West + More



This claim that Azerbaijan is establishing itself under the autocractic influence of Russia explains most of the perception managing narrative presented via the media lately.

Armenia is pivoting to the West, it’s time for Europe to step up


‘Armenia is pivoting to the West. It’s time for Europe to step up’

For the past year, I have been working with and advising the Armenian government on their efforts to strengthen their democracy and promote peace in the South Caucasus. This is something I believe deeply in. That is why I launched the independent Friends of Armenia Network – a high-level group that includes former prime ministers, European commissioners, ministers, and sitting parliamentarians. In a report published on March 27, we proposed a detailed approach that the European Union should take to help make Armenia’s Western, democratic trajectory irreversible.

– Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Rasmussen Global: Anders Fogh Rasmussen launches high-level group to support democratic Armenia

Rasmussen’s Report: Deepening EU-Armenia relations: More Europe in Armenia

“Friends of Armenia” turned out to be crooks, schemers and chumps

Russia MFA: Friends of Armenia Network report objective is to tear Armenia from Russia, EAEU

USAID: U.S. Enhances Support For Armenia At The U.S.-EU High-Level Meeting

2002: Divided They Conquer: Armenian Ethnic Lobbies in the United States (Most are still active) – H/T: Penny2

How much did the US & EU sink into this campaign?!

Tusk Gets His Chance to Bring Poland Back From the ‘Dark Side’

Law & Justice turned Poland into a rogue state on a par with Viktor Orban’s Hungary. The Polish government clashed with the EU over rule of law, control of the media and funding, all while weaponizing LGBTQ issues and women’s rights. Support for Ukraine brought Warsaw into line with its main EU partners, but even there the mood has soured after Warsaw imposed restrictions on Ukrainian grain and suggested it might stop weapons shipments.

Highest voter turnout, huh?! “Civil society organizations” 🧐 AKA front organizations?!


USAID Announces Central Europe Program

US Calls Out Poland for Pre-Election Moves Against Opposition

Hours after President Andrzej Duda approved the creation of a special parliamentary panel to investigate Russia’s meddling in Poland between 2007 and 2022, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said the US shares the concerns “expressed by many observers” that the panel “could be used to block the candidacy of opposition politicians without due process.”

Germany passes impossible “green” heating legislation that will cost economy $1 TRILLION

Geopolitical Trends, w/Dr. David Oualaalou

The left-wing government of Germany has passed a controversial new “green” heating law that will force at least 65 percent of all new installed heating systems to be “renewable” energy.

Germany passes impossible “green” heating legislation that will cost economy $1 TRILLION


Germany Heating Law: How the Building Energy Act Became So Controversial

“If we really want to tackle climate change, the state has to interfere more in what had been private issues because we have to change our behavior,” Römmele said.

Germany mandates switch to heating via renewables with Building Energy Act amendment

The focus of the amendment is on new heating systems, as these are used for an average of 20 to 30 years and the government wants to ensure they are low carbon from the outset. Existing heating systems, however, can continue to be operated as before. This is a compromise reached in the legislative process to mitigate the economic hardships otherwise caused by the amendment.

Report: Biden Pushed Peace Plan that Recognized Russia’s Control Over 20% of Ukraine

The White House offered the proposal within days of rolling out a military aid package for Kiev that included main battle tanks, reflecting a growing rift in the Joe Biden administration.

Report: Biden Pushed Peace Plan that Recognized Russia’s Control Over 20% of Ukraine


Olaf Scholz verkaufte seine Panzerwende als wohlüberlegte Entscheidung – tatsächlich aber wurde er wohl überrumpelt (German)

Machine translation, in English, below:

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Peace activist sentenced for criticizing German war policy in Ukraine

The Berlin-Tiergarten District Court sentenced peace activist Heinrich Bücker in January for speaking out in public against Germany’s war policy in Ukraine. The verdict is a massive attack on the basic democratic rights of freedom of speech and assembly. It is reminiscent of the persecution of anti-militarists in the Weimar Republic who—like Carl von Ossietzky—opposed the rearmament of the Reichswehr (armed forces).

Peace activist sentenced for criticizing German war policy in Ukraine

H/T: George Galloway


Conviction for a commemorative speech for the attack on the USSR against Heinrich Bücker, Coop Anti-War cafe Berlin (in German)