What is Really Behind Iran’s Unrest?

Sep 25, 2022 – The Western media is depicting unrest in Iran as “the people” demanding social justice and women’s rights. In reality, it is part of a years-long effort by Washington to foment upheaval and regime change in Iran.

Policy papers from 2009 detailed step-by-step how the US could overthrow the Iranian government and install an obedient client regime in its place. Since then, each step has been implemented verbatim with varying degress of success, and the process, as we can now see, continues today.

What is Really Behind Iran’s Unrest? (Odysee) via The New Atlas


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MEK cult neither likes women nor Kurds

These days, the propaganda of the Mujahedin Khalq makes efforts to exploit the incidents in Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini, the Kurdish 22-year-old girl. Although the heartbreaking death of Mahsa sparked wave of protests in Iran, the MEK is absolutely incompetent to take any position in support of Mahsa or Iranian women in general. The group has a long record of women rights abuses and killing Kurds.

MEK cult neither likes women nor Kurds


Forced Divorce, a Cult-Like Behavior

US partially lifts Iran sanctions to stoke “anti-government protests by providing internet access, the Treasury Department said”

This is who they want to run Iran?! 🤯

MKO terrorists attack Press TV correspondent covering exhibition on their crimes in Stockholm

Members of anti-Iran terrorist grouplet, Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO), have attacked the reporter and accompanying news team of Press TV, which were in the Swedish capital to prepare a report on an exhibition held in Stockholm on the group’s crimes.

MKO terrorists attack Press TV correspondent covering exhibition on their crimes in Stockholm


Terrorists’ Safe Haven in Northern Europe

Iran exile group blacked out in Biden policy shift

Iran exile group blacked out in Biden policy shift

However, the MEK’s history of violence is not confined to aggression against Iranian citizens. The group subscribed to a fierce anti-American ideology in the 1970s and hit several American targets inside Iran in a string of bombings that hit the US information office, Pepsi Cola, PanAm and General Motors.

A State Department inquiry in 1992 found the MEK guilty of killing six American citizens, including three military officers and three men hired by Rockwell International, a manufacturing company that ceased its operations in 2001.

US politicians that support these terrorists should be tried for treason!

Secret MEK troll factory in Albania uses modern slaves

Secret MEK troll factory in Albania uses modern slaves

Albania already has serious problems with mafia gangs and criminals. But this newly imported problem cannot be ignored simply because they are a foreign group hidden away from public scrutiny. It cannot be ignored because the group is supported at the highest levels in the Trump administration. This is a human rights issue and continued exploitation of these victims should not be tolerated – which country condones, let alone legally sanctions the use of slaves? The US pledged money to Albania to de-radicalize and rehabilitate MEK members in Albania as ordinary citizens. It is time now for that to be actioned.


MEK members run group’s online information operations from France, Albania: Murtaza Hussain