Vladimir Putin Promotes Traditional Culture over “Cancel” Culture – English Subtitles

Michael Rossi Poli Sci

Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses the plenary session of the 9th St Petersburg International Cultural Forum – the Forum of United Cultures.

His opening remarks note the value of traditional national culture in forms of art, literature, music, language, and values, while noting the growing trend in Western countries of “cancel culture” that, in his view, deviates from historical development and contribution.

This opening address is part of a two-hour segment devoted to the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum, which Putin was the main guest at the Plenary Session.

The remaining parts will be uploaded in 25 – 30 minute segments that include questions and comments from participating members of the audience.

The whole series is available in a new Playlist “2023 St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum“.

In original Russian with English subtitles

Recorded November 17, 2023

Original video and transcript

Vladimir Putin Promotes Traditional Culture over “Cancel” Culture – English Subtitles

‘Free Speech’ Fans Call for Censoring TikTok as Chinese Plot to Make Israel Look Bad

Axios (10/31/23) reported that in a two-week period, TikTok saw “nearly four times the number of views to TikTok posts using the hashtag #StandwithPalestine globally compared to posts using the hashtag #StandwithIsrael.” As a result, the conservative outrage machine kicked into high gear.

‘Free Speech’ Fans Call for Censoring TikTok as Chinese Plot to Make Israel Look Bad

Critics renew calls for a TikTok ban, claiming platform has an anti-Israel bias

The perceived performance of pro-Palestinian content on the platform depends on how you parse TikTok’s data.

Critics renew calls for a TikTok ban, claiming platform has an anti-Israel bias


Israel losing media war on Tik Tok; Palestinian civilian casualties continue to mount:

However, Tik-Tok has become the latest battle ground for the conflict between Israel and Palestine, with potentially dangerous consequences for the side that fails to influence the most hearts and minds on an international scale.

Going to hell with no possibility of redemption

I don’t have time to write something very long, but I’d like to present you with something weird and kinda of important: An open letter from the editor-in-chief of the Jerusalem Post trying to convince the Jewish mainstream to permanently banish Jews who are not sufficiently Zionist and/or don’t 100 percent approve of Israel’s current mass slaughter in Gaza.

Going to hell with no possibility of redemption (archived)

Chas Freeman: The Many Lessons of the Ukraine War

I want to speak to you tonight about Ukraine – what has happened to it and why, how it is likely to emerge from the ordeal to which great power rivalry has subjected it; and what we can learn from this. I do so with some trepidation and a warning to this audience. My talk, like the conflict in Ukraine, is a long and complicated one. It contradicts propaganda that has been very convincing. My talk will offend anyone committed to the official narrative. The way the American media have dealt with the Ukraine war brings to mind a comment by Mark Twain: “The researches of many commentators have already thrown much darkness on this subject, and it is probable that, if they continue, we shall soon know nothing at all about it.”

Chas Freeman: The Many Lessons of the Ukraine War

MO Republicans reenact Fahrenheit 451 [with cardboard boxes]

MO State Senators Eigel (R) and Schroer (R) burned the “liberal agenda” with flamethrowers in effigy this weekend. Today, Eigel, who is running for governor, vowed to burn books: “Those woke pornographic books … I’ll burn those too – on the front lawn of the gov’s mansion.”

These Republicans weren’t burning books with their flamethrowers


GOP lawmakers hold symbolic book burning with flamethrowers