Afghanistan earthquake exposes disaster caused by decades of US occupation

by Jean Shaoul, WSWS, Jun 24 2022

A 6.1-magnitude earthquake in a remote area of Afghanistan has killed at least 1,000 people and injured at least 1,500. While the worst affected area is the mountainous Paktika province, deaths have also been reported in the eastern provinces of Khost and Nangarhar. Many more bodies are thought to be buried in mud as heavy rain hampers rescue efforts.

With the ever-expanding US war against Russia, the US is preparing to bring the type of devastation wrought upon Afghanistan and Iraq to Europe, at an even greater cost in lives and treasure.

Afghanistan earthquake exposes disaster caused by decades of US occupation

The Mauritanian: 14 years in Guantánamo detention camp—the horrifying reality of America’s “war on terror”

The Mauritanian: 14 years in Guantánamo detention camp—the horrifying reality of America’s “war on terror”

In an interview with Forbes, the filmmaker talked about Barack Obama not closing Guantánamo—one of his election promises. “Most of the people in Guantánamo—the vast majority—were just farmers. They were people sold down the river by somebody they thought was a friend who accused them of being al-Qaida for $50,000 or $100,000. I think something like 80 percent of the people sent to Guantánamo were basically just victims of that.”


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