Russian Foreign Ministry condemns Bundestag resolution recognizing the famine in the USSR as genocide

Russian Foreign Ministry condemns Bundestag resolution recognizing the famine in the USSR as genocide

On November 30, the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany adopted a resolution recognising the 1932-1933 famine in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic as the genocide of the Ukrainian people and putting responsibility for it on the Soviet leadership. At the same time, it omitted to mention the fact that not only Ukraine, but the entire territory of our country was affected by the famine, which claimed millions of lives.

Closing their eyes to this fact, German MPs from the ruling coalition and the CDU/CSU opposition block have decided to vociferously support the political and ideological myth promoted by the Ukrainian authorities at the prompting of the far-right, Nazi and Russophobic forces. This is yet another attempt to provide justification and whip up the Western-sponsored campaign aimed at demonising Russia and setting Ukrainians against Russians and other ethnic groups in Russia and the former Soviet Union.

There is an obvious reason for the inflammatory Bundestag resolution, which is trying to take advantage of the terrible famine of 1932-1933. The Germans are trying to rewrite their history and to stop doing penance for the atrocities they committed during the Second World War. They seem to have regard for the ideological followers of the Ukrainian war criminals who hold annual torchlight marches under the banners of the SS Galicia Division.

The German political elite is making use of the alleged genocide of Ukrainians, which radical Ukrainian nationalists are blaming on the Soviet Union, in order to downplay Germany’s responsibility. They are trying to erode the memory of the unprecedented crimes against humanity committed by Nazi Germany during WWII, that is, the deliberate extermination of 27 million Soviet people within the framework of the “total war” on the Eastern Front, the Holocaust and the siege of Leningrad. Was that not a deliberate extermination of the Soviet people? Another element of the Germans’ moral turpitude is their refusal to make compensation payments to the residents of Leningrad, where at least 1,093,842 people died during the siege, including Ukrainians and not only Jews. It is a shame that the Bundestag has taken such an immoral decision, which is reviving the Nazi ideology of racial hatred and discrimination and is an attempt to deny responsibility for war crimes.

Foreign Ministry statement on the German Parliament’s resolution on the 1932-1933 famine in the Soviet Union (


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