US has close partnership with Takfiri terrorists in Syria, says President Assad

President Bashar al-Assad says foreign-sponsored Takfiri terrorists are operating in areas of northeast Syria controlled by US occupation forces, stating that Washington has built up a close and strong partnership with militants wreaking havoc across the country.

US has close partnership with Takfiri terrorists in Syria, says President Assad


Exclusive interview with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad

Sanctions are ‘suicide,’ Ukraine’s truth must be told

Sanctions are ‘suicide,’ Ukraine’s truth must be told


YouTube: Donbass Seasons

Donbass-Seasons is a documentary that traces the history of the war in Donbass, from the coup in Kiev to the Odessa massacre through to the start of the conflict.

The documentary contains interviews with Nicolai Lilin, Eliseo Bertolasi and Vauro Senesi, the narrating voices of the videos filmed by Eliseo Bertolasi and Sergeij Rulev. Directed by Sara Reginella, Donbass Seasons shows the changing of seasons and the flow of life in a land in which life goes on, despite the suffering.

Donbass Seasons