18+: Ukraine openly uses chemical weapons against Russian soldiers, and the OPCW remains silent

On 5 February 2023, a Ukrainian commander proudly showed in a video drones and chemical weapons canisters to be dropped by them on Russian soldiers. Three days later, and despite much hype about this official use of chemical weapons by Ukraine on social networks, and the calling out of the OPCW by several Twitter users, the organisation is conspicuous by its silence.

Ukraine openly uses chemical weapons against Russian soldiers, and the OPCW remains silent


Russia probing alleged Ukrainian use of chemical weapons

Shocking Details of Zionist Biological Warfare Against Palestinians Exposed

Academics Benny Morris of Ben-Gurion University and Benjamin Z. Kedar of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem have produced an extraordinary paper based on a welter of archival material, exposing in disturbing detail the hitherto obfuscated dimensions of an operation by Zionist forces to use chemical and biological weapons against both invading Arab armies and local civilians during the 1948 war.

Shocking Details of Zionist Biological Warfare Against Palestinians Exposed

Sergey Lavrov: “Staged incidents as the Western approach to doing politics”

Today, the Russian Armed Forces, together with the self-defence units of the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics, are delivering on the objectives of the special military operation with great resolve to put an end to the outrageous discrimination and genocide of the Russian people and eliminate direct threats to the security of the Russian Federation that the United States and its satellites have been creating on Ukrainian territory for years. While losing on the battlefield, the Ukrainian regime and its Western patrons have descended to staging bloody incidents to demonise our country in the eyes of the international community. We have already seen Bucha, Mariupol, Kramatorsk, and Kremenchug. The Russian Defence Ministry has been regularly issuing warnings, with facts in hand, about upcoming staged incidents and fakes.

Sergey Lavrov: “Staged incidents as the Western approach to doing politics”

Let’s Talk About ‘Chemical Weapons’ Propaganda

As I write this, BBC reports that UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss is “urgently” investigating reports of a chemical weapons attack in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol. The US Department of Defense finds the reports “deeply concerning.”

Usually when the western governments start quacking about “chemical attacks,” it means they’re planning to take action of some kind – airstrikes in Syria, sanctions on Russia, what have you – and are looking for an excuse.

Mariupol: Let’s Talk About ‘Chemical Weapons’ Propaganda