US Announces $345 Million in Unprecedented Military Aid for Taiwan

The weapons are being provided through the presidential drawdown authority, the primary way the US has been arming Taiwan

US Announces $345 Million in Unprecedented Military Aid for Taiwan


China slams first US military aid to Taiwan island under Presidential Drawdown Authority

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities’ stubborn insistence on the secessionist position of “Taiwan independence,” attempting to seek “independence” by relying on the US and by using force, begging for US arms sales or military aid, and enhancing military collusion with the US are moves that are making Taiwan a powder keg and ammunition depot, and have increased the danger and risk of a conflict in the Taiwan Straits, Chen said.

If the DPP is allowed to follow this path to the end, the youth will only become cannon fodder, the spokesperson said.

But no matter how “Taiwan independence” forces collude with external interference forces, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is fully capable of crushing their attempts in seeking “independence” or resisting reunification by force, Wei said.

As if things couldn’t get worse: Realists, inside the Biden Regime, are being replaced with Neocons

Recently several administration official who were working on China and Ukraine policies announced to step back or retire. The people in question were not neo-conservative China hawks like Secretary of State Anthony Blinken or National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. The unexpected loss of top sane hands has me concerned that there is some big move in planning that will damage U.S. relations with China and Russia even more than they already are:

Why Are These Biden Officials Leaving Their Top Posts?