The enduring legacy of the East King of Sulu in Chinese-Filipino diplomacy

By Prof. Anna Malindog-Uy

ON December 3 last year (2023), I embarked on a meaningful and soul-stirring journey to pay special and heartfelt tribute at the tomb of Sultan Paduka Batara, known as “Pahala,” at his sacred resting place in Dezhou, a captivating city in China’s Shandong province. It was indeed a momentous experience for me. It was also an educational and inspiring half-day trip.

The enduring legacy of the East King of Sulu in Chinese-Filipino diplomacy

Thailand to Speed Up Construction of Joint-Chinese High-Speed Railway

Thailand’s recently renewed commitment toward finishing the already under-construction Thai-Chinese high-speed railway may help move the Southeast Asian nation forward, out of the shadow of years of Western-induced political instability, and into the light of peace and prosperity as it and the rest of the region rise with China.

Thailand to Speed Up Construction of Joint-Chinese High-Speed Railway

NATO to expand Asia-Pacific presence by opening office in Japan + What can China do about it?

Last week, news emerged that NATO intends to open a liaison office in Tokyo, Japan next year. The office would be NATO’s first in the Asia-Pacific region and represents the increasing role of the organisation in preparation for a US-led war against China. Both Tokyo and NATO have confirmed the plans.

NATO to expand Asia-Pacific presence by opening office in Japan


What can China do against NATO’s foray into Asia?

So what can China do to respond to this attempt at ‘alliance encirclement’ against it? First, it can strengthen its ties with Russia and aim to create a deeper balance of power in the Asia-Pacific. Secondly, it can revitalize old alliances and strengthen its ties with North Korea as a military partner. After all, the DPRK is still obligated by the 1961 treaty of mutual assistance to come to China’s aid in a war and can be used to contain Japan and South Korea. Thirdly, it can look to build new military partnerships with regional countries who feel similarly threatened by US expansionism; for example, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar. While the rest of ASEAN are likely to stay neutral, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam (excluding the US-aligned Philippines), China should work to improve its relationships with these countries in order to prevent the US from trying to ‘force’ them to choose.

How much did Trump-era tariffs on China cost Americans? New US findings confirm ‘self-inflicted harm’

Import tariffs placed on more than US$300 billion worth of Chinese goods during the Trump administration increased US prices, according to a report from a bipartisan US trade commission, confirming a widely held view among analysts of trade and tariffs that they caused “self-inflicted harm”.

How much did Trump-era tariffs on China cost Americans? New US findings confirm ‘self-inflicted harm’