U.S. raids Chinese auto parts maker in Ohio

U.S. raids Chinese auto parts maker in Ohio

In September, the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party in September wrote a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas accusing Qingdao Sunsong of moving some of its production to Thailand to evade U.S. tariffs.

The letter identified Qingdao Sunsong’s public filings, which say the company’s products are subject to U.S. import tariffs of 25% imposed on certain goods made in China and that “in order to reduce tariff costs, the issuer has accelerated production in Thailand.”

In the letter to Mayorkas, Republican congressmen Mike Gallagher* of Wisconsin and Darin LaHood of Illinois called Sunsong’s actions a “case of blatant trade fraud that is having a catastrophic impact on American manufacturers.”

*Racist piece of 💩!

H/T: Johnsonwkchoi

Sun Yat-sen

The revolutionary role of the Malayan Chinese community in the 20th century/Comrade Confucius


Sun Yat-sen’s Connection To China And The U.S.

Sun Yat-sen’s image became frozen in time. This man, who was deeply inspired by American ideas, came to be known as the pioneer of the revolution in the People’s Republic of China.

Part Of The Great Wall Of China Is Right Here In Wisconsin At Clintonville’s Pioneer Park

Chinese Leader Sun Yat Sen allowed this portion of wall to be taken to Clintonville; and it’s the only section of the wall that’s known to have left the country.

I could have probably picked a better article, about Sun Yat-sen’s time in the US, but I’m on my phone (too small for deep research). I received the article about the part of the Great Wall of China, in my email, and it reminded me of Comrade Confucius’ video.

Americans must unite to reject 21st Century ‘alien land laws’

Americans must unite to reject 21st Century ‘alien land laws’

Now, taking a page from DeSantis, Congress is considering inserting an amendment into the National Defense Authorization Act that would ban visa holders from targeted countries from making certain agricultural purchases. These restrictions would apply to all 50 states, and be based solely on national heritage. This is wrong and legislators must reject it.


Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)

Banning foreign ownership of land doesn’t protect US. It just scapegoats Asian Americans.

Canada: Senator fears ‘modern Chinese exclusion’ but some redress activists reject link

Senator Yuen Pau Woo questions whether a foreign influence registry might become “a modern form of Chinese exclusion,” and says angry reaction to his suggestion proves his point about racial profiling and stigmatization.

Senator fears ‘modern Chinese exclusion’ but some redress activists reject link

H/T: Silk and Steel Podcast: Canada’s China Freakout with Justin Podur

No color revolution for Canada?! /sarcasm

I Don’t Want to #StopAsianHate. I Want to End US Imperialism

By Elizabeth Tang – July 8, 2021

Editorial note: As a rule Orinoco Tribune does not re-publish opinion pieces more than 10 days after their original publication, but in this case we are making an exception, because this is a on a very sensitive issue that demands attention.

I don’t like the #StopAsianHate hashtag. First of all, Asians are not the ones doing the “hating.” And second, why are we calling it “hate” at all? Anti-Asian violence is systemic—it cannot be reduced to individual feelings.

I Don’t Want to #StopAsianHate. I Want to End US Imperialism

Violent China-bashing has been mainstreamed since US passing 1882 Chinese Exclusion Acts / ‘Tonight, it’s my turn’: Chinese PhD student attacked by 5 men near University of Wisconsin-Madison

Violent China-bashing has been mainstreamed since US passing 1882 Chinese Exclusion Acts / ‘Tonight, it’s my turn’: Chinese PhD student attacked by 5 men near University of Wisconsin-Madison

Violent China-bashing has been mainstreamed since US passing 1882 Chinese Exclusion Acts


Asian international students at UW-Madison express concerns after alleged assaults

Stop Asian Hate: end acts of violence and discrimination against APIDA (Petition)

The Flaw in the Progressive Stance on Guns + AOC Suggests Checking Juvenile Criminal Records To Be Able To Buy A Gun Could Be Racist

The flaw in the progressive stance on guns

Fulminating at congressional inaction in the face of spree killers may be satisfying and even necessary. But it is unlikely to persuade them to change the law. Continuing to insist on new rules while shying away from enforcing existing ones, meanwhile, burns credibility with conservative voters, who see a left that’s eager to penalize their hobby and reluctant to punish criminals.

Considerable progress against gun violence is politically and logistically feasible with more quality-of-life policing and vigorous prosecution of illegal gun possession — and the increased levels of incarceration both would require. If progressives want to make guns harder to get but don’t want to prosecute those who have guns illegally, then … it’s almost as if they’re inviting a future in which only outlaws will have guns.


AOC Suggests Checking Juvenile Criminal Records To Be Able To Buy A Gun Could Be Racist

The racial politics of gun control

Gun control’s racist reality: The liberal argument against giving police more power


The Racist Origin of America’s Gun Control Laws

Marksman who is Asian American says gun control laws are racist, puts Asians at risk