US congressman explains ‘blowing up’ Taiwan comment


English Tsai & US want to blow up Taiwan’s TSMC! What is new? US blew up Russia-Germany gas pipeline, sent missiles to destroy Chinese Ambassy… 蔡英蔡文和美國聯手要炸台灣台積電!美國什麼不能幹? 美國炸毀俄德天然氣管道,發射導彈摧毀中國大使館…

♬ original sound – johnsonwkchoi

Seth Moulton claimed the video quoting him about chip-making factories was Chinese “disinformation”

US congressman explains ‘blowing up’ Taiwan comment

Video via US wants to blow up Taiwan’s TSMC

H/T: Studio64 Podcasts | SocialTechTV

Racist West Ignores Palestinian Genocide & Gaza Massacres, Vocal Re Ukraine & Taiwan

In Apartheid Israel’s latest unprovoked Gaza Massacre 49 Palestinians were killed and 460 wounded. However the racist West has merely reiterated the routine Orwellian excuse of Israel’s right to defend itself, while condemning bloodless Chinese military exercises near US-protected Taiwan that is recognized by all nations as part of China. The West rightly condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but de facto supports the 74-year Zionist occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

Racist West Ignores Palestinian Genocide & Gaza Massacres, Vocal Re Ukraine & Taiwan


US congressional delegation arrives in Taiwan

US congressional delegation arrives in Taiwan

As Markey’s delegation arrived in Taipei, Chinese fighter jets, bombers and airborne early warning aircraft departed for Thailand for joint exercises with the Royal Thai Air Force.

Meanwhile, the US is holding joint exercises in Indonesia with the Australian, Japanese, and Singaporean forces, while the Pentagon announced last week that the US Navy will conduct “air and maritime transits” through the Taiwan Strait in the coming weeks, while the USS Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group will remain stationed in the region.


As US lawmakers make more provocative visits, China’s determination to solve Taiwan question sooner rather than later also rises

Several US lawmakers made a visit to the island of Taiwan via US military aircraft on Sunday. This is new provocation. On the same day, it’s revealed by the Taiwan side that China’s PLA sent 22 military aircraft and six warships for combat readiness security patrols in the Taiwan Straits and some of them crossed the so-called median line, which the mainland doesn’t recognize.