Taiwan commanders authorized to use force against intruding enemy military aircraft, vessels

Taiwan commanders authorized to use force against intruding enemy military aircraft, vessels


TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) clarified its definition of “first strike,” saying it considered any Chinese military asset crossing into Taiwan’s territorial borders as an act of aggression.

Minister of National Defense Chiu Kuo-cheng (邱國正) said that this definition was updated shortly after former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan — when China held live-fire military drills around the nation to express its dissatisfaction.

The Taiwan Strait is “on the brink” of a heightened level of alert, Chiu said at a Foreign and National Defense Committee session on Thursday (March 7). The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has ramped up the frequency of its air and naval operations. He said PLA activities are now creeping closer to Taiwan and have slowly entered “gray areas” from the north and south.

To deter China from escalating tensions in the strait, U.S. senators introduced a bill on Tuesday (March 5) requiring the U.S. Department of the Treasury to terminate the United States-People’s Republic of China Income Tax Convention if Beijing attacks Taiwan.


Containing China: US Using Taiwan as East Asian “Ukraine”

Report: US Military Advisors Deployed to Taiwan-Controlled Islands on China’s Coast

US congressman explains ‘blowing up’ Taiwan comment


English Tsai & US want to blow up Taiwan’s TSMC! What is new? US blew up Russia-Germany gas pipeline, sent missiles to destroy Chinese Ambassy… 蔡英蔡文和美國聯手要炸台灣台積電!美國什麼不能幹? 美國炸毀俄德天然氣管道,發射導彈摧毀中國大使館…

♬ original sound – johnsonwkchoi

Seth Moulton claimed the video quoting him about chip-making factories was Chinese “disinformation”

US congressman explains ‘blowing up’ Taiwan comment

Video via US wants to blow up Taiwan’s TSMC

H/T: Studio64 Podcasts | SocialTechTV

Response to Yellen’s “blatant threat to China” over Ukraine + Republican and Democratic Senators made a surprise trip to Taiwan

Response to Yellen’s “blatant threat to China” over Ukraine


China tears into ‘condescending’ U.S. and warns it is ‘going down a dangerous path’ after group of Republican and Democratic Senators made a surprise trip to Taiwan

PLA drills around Taiwan targeted at US lawmakers’ visit, rehearse ‘real action’ once necessary

Yellen Warns China Will Face Consequences If It Doesn’t Help Stop Russia’s War in Ukraine

War on the Horizon with China (The Neoconservative Dream)

Have neoconservative policies regarding China stopped with just “regime change”? Bill Kristol, Weekly Standard, believes that it must happen for the best interests of American foreign policy. In the latest news, US military forces have been reported to have been in Taiwan for at least 12 months to strengthen its defenses against intensifying Chinese aggression. Taiwan is considered “self resilient” against China, however, China has shown no aggression towards the country. Yet we continue to gradually move toward a conflict with a country which has been seen as a threat to our world economy and hegemony with indo-china. The Pentagon meanwhile has criticized its own slow in progression of it’s defense strategy. General John E. Hyten, Joint Chiefs of Staff, referenced the unprecedented speed at which Beijing is developing its military capabilities, particularly the modernization of its nuclear arsenal, as one of the Pentagon’s top concerns. But at what cost will this be at the average American citizen?

YouTube: War on the Horizon with China (The Neoconservative Dream)


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